
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Transparency". Municipal deputies approve hearing of Carlos Moedas

The city councilors of the 6th committee of the Lisbon Municipal Assembly (AML) approved today the hearing of the mayor, following the suspension of the mandate of councilor Diogo Moura, but refuse to be an "inquiry committee".

"Transparency". Municipal deputies approve hearing of Carlos Moedas
Notícias ao Minuto

06:08 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

País Câmara de Lisboa

The permanent committee for Human and Social Rights, Citizenship, Transparency and Anti-Corruption of the AML scheduled the "appreciation and deliberation" of an 'e-mail' from the non-registered municipal representative Daniela Serralha, "requesting the scheduling of a hearing in the committee" with the mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas (PSD), "within the scope of the matter of transparency regarding the suspension of the mandate of councilman Diogo Moura". In a note, on Tuesday, the movement Citizens for Lisbon (CPL) explained that the hearing aims to "understand not only this suspension of the mandate, but what will happen to the ongoing commitments", who will "assume the portfolios in question, for how long and what their commitment to the city is". The mayor of the city decided in the meantime that he "will assume the Culture portfolio", after the suspension of the mandate of councilman Diogo Moura, replaced by Joana Oliveira Costa, whose portfolios will be made public "in due time", according to a source in the city council. The hearing of Carlos Moedas in the 6th committee of the AML was approved by majority, with the votes against from the elected members of the CDS-PP, but the proposal motivated a lengthy discussion, with opposition from those who saw in its viability a political exploitation of a legal case. The fact is that Diogo Moura suspended the mandate at the request of the mayor, days after having been formally accused by the Public Prosecutor's Office of the crime of fraud in two internal elections of the Christian Democrats. In a written statement sent to Lusa on Sunday, Carlos Moedas revealed that he asked Diogo Moura "to suspend his mandate, a request to which he immediately agreed". The social democrat explained that, "despite the allegations attributed to him not referring to the mandate as a councilman", he considered "that there are no conditions for the councilman to continue to develop his work in favour of the people of Lisbon". The representative elected by the CPL explained that when she requested the hearing, it was not yet known who would take over Culture and who would take office, and therefore "for the sake of transparency", the mayor will also be interested in clarifying how the mandate will proceed. "At no time did I or the Citizens for Lisbon make any value judgement of the decision of the mayor, no value judgement of the conduct of councilman Diogo Moura and, therefore, it has to do with the future of the city", stressed Daniela Serralha. The municipal representatives of the Earth Party Movement, Aliança, PSD and CDS-PP expressed themselves against the form of the request for a hearing of the mayor in the transparency committee, taking into account that the councilman suspended the mandate and the case is being dealt with in court, while the Liberal Initiative did not see any use in the hearing. Representative Manuel Lage assured that the PS will never oppose the hearing of a mayor, or of whomever he decides to represent him, refusing to make any judgement of merit of the proposal, and assured that the socialists will not allow "there to be a trial in a committee of the municipal assembly". The president of the committee, Carla Madeira (PS), also guaranteed that "in the municipal assembly there are no committees of inquiry", and that she will never allow any hearing to become "a committee of inquiry". Representative Maria Escaja Gonçalves, from the Left Bloc, refused that the elected members "do not know how to behave" and said she hopes that they are "all adults, educated and intelligent enough" not to make the hearing "a public lynching". The representative of the CPL reformulated the text of the proposal, but it would be Jorge Nuno de Sá, from Aliança, to propose the approved wording, that, following the request for suspension of the councilman, it was asked "to hear the mayor, in relation to the ongoing commitments, previously under the tutelage of councilman Diogo Moura". The representatives also approved the PS's request for a hearing of the councilwoman for Human and Social Rights, Sofia Athayde, and of the member of the Santa Casa Misericórdia Lisboa with the portfolio for Social Affairs, Sérgio Cintra, on the social support in the municipality, with only the abstention of Chega.
Read Also: "I hope to indicate someone". Moedas demands CML representative in Santa Casa (Portuguese version)

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