
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Grandmother kidnaps granddaughter from Beja hospital. She was arrested and the baby was returned

A grandmother removed her granddaughter from Beja hospital without authorization on Friday, but she was found "about half an hour later" by the PSP and was arrested, and the baby was returned to the hospital, it was revealed today.

Grandmother kidnaps granddaughter from Beja hospital. She was arrested and the baby was returned
Notícias ao Minuto

14:32 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

País PSP

A source from the communications office of the Unidade Local de Saúde do Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA), to which the Beja hospital belongs, explained to the Lusa agency that the baby "was admitted to the Pediatrics department" of that unit, from where she was "taken by her grandmother". "This is the case of a baby who had already been reported to the police and the Child and Youth Protection Commission [CPCJ]. The child was admitted and the grandmother was the one who had authorization to be with her," said the same source. However, the woman "violated the security bracelet" worn by the minor "and left the service with her granddaughter," she reported. "She left the bracelet there, preventing the alarm from going off and took her out of the service. As soon as the service detected the case, the authorities were immediately alerted, the woman was intercepted and the child was returned to the hospital, in good health," said the ULSBA source. According to the local health unit, the grandmother took her granddaughter "at the end of the afternoon", but, after the police intervention, "the minor was already in the hospital at night". Contacted by Lusa, a source from the PSP's Beja District Command assured that, as soon as the hospital reported the situation, the police "began inquiries and managed to find the woman half an hour later". "She was found in Beja and we returned the child to the hospital," said the police source, indicating that the woman was detained and presented today at the Moura Judicial Court. Another police source, contacted by Lusa, added that, after being presented in court, the woman was released with the coercive measures of an identity and residence term and a prohibition on contact and approach of the child. According to the ULSBA, in this situation, "the hospital activated all the corresponding safety regulations and complied with all safety protocols". On its website, the newspaper Correio da Manhã reported today that "an 11-month-old baby was kidnapped by her grandmother from the pediatrics services of the Hospital de Beja, this Friday, where the child was admitted", according to the news. Also the Jornal de Notícias, in its 'online' edition, reported that "the case occurred around 6:30 pm, in the Pediatrics Service that operates on the 5th floor of the hospital unit, after the maternal grandmother, residing in Moura, had been authorized to visit the baby". The woman took her granddaughter with her "without any of the medical or nursing staff on the floor noticing", after removing the alarms, according to the news in the same newspaper, which added that, "a few minutes later, about 400 meters from the hospital", the PSP "located the woman with the baby in her possession" and arrested her. According to the same newspaper, "the child will have been taken from her parents" following a process conducted by the Moura CPCJ and was "admitted to recover from some health problems she suffered, before being institutionalized".
Read Also: Baby breathes on her own for the first time after double lung transplant (Portuguese version)

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