
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Secretary of State emphasizes his commitment to the dignification of local power

The Secretary of State for Local Administration and Territorial Planning, Hernâni Dias, stated today that the Government is committed to dignifying local government, giving it more autonomy and more sources of funding.

Secretary of State emphasizes his commitment to the dignification of local power
Notícias ao Minuto

19:32 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

País Governo

In Barcelos, Braga district, where he took part in the closing session of the 4th congress of the National Association of Municipal Assemblies (ANAM), Hernâni Dias declined, however, to specify which measures the Government will take.

"We are very committed to a work of dignifying local power, whether at the level of municipalities, parishes, municipal assemblies and parish assemblies", he said.

The objective, he stressed, is to give "greater autonomy" to local power, enabling them to access sources of financing "that they do not have today".

Questioned by Lusa about the future new Local Finance Law, the minister declined to make any considerations, stressing that the Government has been in office "for just over a month" and that this will be a matter to be addressed "in due course".

In his speech at the closing of the congress, Hernâni Dias defended the need to "call young people to politics" and recalled that, in some territories, municipal assemblies are the gateway.

Therefore, he appealed to the presidents of the municipal assemblies to do this "work of calling" young people to politics and democracy.

For the Secretary of State, there is still no perception in Portugal of the true importance of municipal assemblies, a reality that he said needs to be reversed.

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