
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Municipal Assemblies demand reinforcement of local power autonomy

The president of the National Association of Municipal Assemblies (ANAM), Albino Almeida, today called for the reinforcement of the autonomy of local government, providing it with more powers and more financial means.

Municipal Assemblies demand reinforcement of local power autonomy
Notícias ao Minuto

20:54 - 18/05/24 por Lusa

País Assembleias Municipais

In statements to Lusa at the end of the 4th ANAM Congress, which took place in Barcelos, in the district of Braga, Albino Almeida stressed the willingness of the municipal assemblies to collaborate with the Government in the decentralization process.

"Traveling 300 kilometers from Porto to Lisbon is completely different from traveling 300 kilometers from Lisbon to Porto", he said.

For Albino Almeida, it is time for mayors to stop having to go to the capital to solve the problems of their municipalities, which, he argued, can only be achieved if the central State decides to decentralize "throughout the country, asking for collaboration from local authorities" for the continuation of public policies.

He specifically referred to the health, housing and education sectors.

"These are areas that often have to do with national programs but that have a great local impact, with local authorities being the best prepared to implement them on the ground", he said.

He recalled that ANAM has been defending the decentralization of powers for many years, accompanied by the respective financial envelope.

In another field, Albino Almeida defended the need to review Law 75/2013, which defines the legal regime and the functioning of local government bodies, in the case of municipal assemblies.

"It is necessary to review the way in which municipal assemblies function", he defended.

The closing of the ANAM congress was attended by the Secretary of State for Local Administration and Territorial Planning, Hernâni Dias, who stated that the Government is committed to dignifying local government, giving it more autonomy and more sources of financing.

Read Also: Secretary of State stresses commitment to dignifying local government (Portuguese version)

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