
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Historian criticizes reparations to former colonies, but country must contextualize

Historian Luís Reis Torgal, a specialist in propaganda of the Estado Novo, criticized today the proposal of the President of the Republic to assume reparations for the former colonies, but defended that Portugal should provide context to its past.

Historian criticizes reparations to former colonies, but country must contextualize
Notícias ao Minuto

10:40 - 19/05/24 por Lusa

País Portugal

"There are things for which it makes no sense to ask for forgiveness", because "they result from a specific context", the historian explained to the Lusa agency, commenting on the recent statements by the head of state.

At the end of April, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa argued that Portugal should lead the process of assuming and repairing the consequences of the period of colonialism and suggested as an example the forgiveness of debts, cooperation and financing, which have already been established.

This may be a way, admitted Reis Torgal who, however, criticized that "apologies for the past" are being asked for.

Now, "there are aspects of colonization that are positive and aspects of colonization that are obviously very negative, such as the non-development of populations, in terms of acculturation", that people "lose a little of their own culture" in the face of the colonizer.

However, this view of the past should not allow "the far right to take advantage" and say that "everything was good [in colonization] or that the majority was good", he added.

The lack of investment in the colonies was also similar to other areas of the country, recalled Reis Torgal. "We did not develop the interior as we did not develop the colonies," he noted.

Slavery was "a violent process", but Reis Torgal criticized a view that only blames Portugal as some Brazilian intellectuals claim.

"Brazil became independent in 1822 and only in 1888 did it end slavery. During that period, who is responsible? Us?"

For Luís Reis Torgal "Portuguese colonization was not exemplary and decolonization was not exemplary. They never are", he stressed.

According to the researcher, the solution should be to give "context and explanation" to what happened.

"Statues should not be removed because we do not agree with the past today, but should be explained", he exemplified.

Read Also: Reparations? "Neither I nor my father-in-law authorize Ventura to speak for us" (Portuguese version)

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