
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Elections/Madeira. PAN wants more monitoring and support for animal protection

The PAN's lead candidate for the regional elections in Madeira, Mónica Freitas, wants to strengthen the control and inspection measures for situations of animal neglect and increase support for associations in this area.

Elections/Madeira. PAN wants more monitoring and support for animal protection
Notícias ao Minuto

18:06 - 19/05/24 por Lusa

País Madeira

The candidate, who today visited a dog park in Funchal, told Lusa that the party intends, in the next legislature, to strengthen measures such as "vaccination, free sterilisation for pets, revision of the statutes of the Animal Ombudsman, regulation for the use of animals for certain purposes, in order to have greater control and inspection for situations of negligence".
The measures also include "continuing to provide greater support to associations that provide support in these areas", said Mónica Freitas, acknowledging that there is already in Madeira "some awareness, both on the part of the population and also of some municipalities". Even so, she considered, there should be a greater commitment, by the local authorities, to the creation of official collection centres for animals. In her view, the region is "far from what needs to be done and this area needs to be seen as a priority axis, also when thinking about politics, when creating measures". In addition to visits to dog parks in Funchal and Machico, PAN's campaign today was dedicated to agriculture and local markets, such as Santo da Serra (municipality of Santa Cruz). Quoted in a statement, the party's deputy also considered that these markets are places "of meeting, of passage and of memories, showing that, once again, agriculture is intrinsically linked to culture". The People-Animals-Nature therefore considers it "urgent to improve the spaces, for the comfort of all", and also to "invest in safe agriculture". Improving inspection, not to "impose more and more barriers", but to "create a sense of security so that markets can flourish", is an urgent measure for Mónica Freitas, who was elected in the last regional elections, with 2.31% of the votes. The effective implementation of the Statute of Family Agriculture, with bonuses for good environmental practices, promoting food and environmental health, is also a measure that the candidacy advocates. PAN indicates in the note that, among several other measures, there must be a commitment "to the circular economy through the creation of an exchange market where producers can use excess production fairly and locally". The Madeira legislative elections will take place on 26 May, with 14 candidacies competing for the 47 seats in the regional parliament, in a single electoral constituency: ADN, BE, PS, Livre, IL, RIR, CDU (PCP/PEV), Chega, CDS-PP, MPT, PSD, PAN, PTP and JPP. The early elections take place eight months after the most recent regional legislative elections, after the President of the Republic dissolved the Madeiran parliament, following the political crisis triggered in January, when the leader of the Regional Government (PSD/CDS-PP), Miguel Albuquerque, was made an arguido in a process in which suspicions of corruption are being investigated. In 2023, the PSD/CDS coalition won without an absolute majority and elected 23 deputies. The PS won 11, the JPP five, Chega four, while the CDU, IL, PAN (which signed an agreement on parliamentary incidence with the Social Democrats) and BE obtained one mandate each.
Read Also: BE remembers the fight against corruption and accuses Chega of colluding with PSD (Portuguese version)

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