
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

33-year-old man dies in motorcycle accident in Agrela in Santo Tirso

A 33-year-old man died today in Agrela, in Santo Tirso, after having suffered a motorcycle accident and being thrown 10 meters into a ravine, the commander of the local firefighters told Lusa.

33-year-old man dies in motorcycle accident in Agrela in Santo Tirso
Notícias ao Minuto

18:21 - 19/05/24 por Lusa

País Acidente

According to the commander of the Santo Tirso Volunteer Firefighters, Pedro Simão, the motorcyclist crashed in the afternoon and was "thrown into a ravine about 10 meters deep" in Agrela, on the border between the municipalities of Santo Tirso and Paços de Ferreira.

The alert was given at 4:50 pm and the first team to arrive at the scene "found the victim in cardiorespiratory arrest".

Three vehicles and nine elements of the Santo Tirso Volunteer Firefighters, the Santo Tirso Immediate Life Support (SIV) ambulance, an Emergency and Resuscitation Medical Vehicle (VMER) from Vila Nova de Famalicão and the Paços de Ferreira GNR were at the scene.

Read Also: Portuguese dies in work accident in Spain. It's the 2nd this week (Portuguese version)

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