
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Marcelo "cannot comment" on Chega lawsuit and Aguiar-Branco controversy

The President of the Republic said today that he observes, sees, but does not comment on the failed attempt by Chega to prosecute him for treason or the controversy with Aguiar-Branco and the freedom of expression of the deputies.

Marcelo "cannot comment" on Chega lawsuit and Aguiar-Branco controversy
Notícias ao Minuto

21:08 - 19/05/24 por Lusa

País Presidente da República

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa invoked the electoral period for the European elections of June 09 and the separation of powers to say nothing about the process attempted by Chega to prosecute him for treason due to his statements on reparations to former colonies, in statements to RTP, at the end of the Portuguese Women's Football Cup, at the Jamor Stadium, Oeiras, Lisbon.

"The President of the Republic, due to the separation of powers, cannot be commenting on what the President of the Assembly does, what the deputies think on one side and the other. Therefore, I observe, I see, but I cannot comment," he said, when asked about the decision of the President of the Parliament, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, who did not censure the leader of Chega after André Ventura said that the Turks "are not exactly known for being the most hard-working people in the world".

On Friday, after the parliamentary incident, in statements to journalists, the President of the Assembly defended that it is not his responsibility to censure the positions or opinions of deputies, referring to the Public Prosecutor's Office for any possible criminal liability for parliamentary speech.

All the parties on the left criticized José Pedro Aguiar-Branco's decision.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that he also watched, but did not comment, the debate in parliament, last week, on Chega's proposal, rejected on Friday by the Assembly of the Republic, to file a complaint against him for treason, due to statements on possible reparations to former colonies.

If he did, he said, it would be "commenting on a party initiative: "It would be getting involved in the party struggle."

Read Also: Mortágua demands that Aguiar-Branco comply with the Parliament's regulations (Portuguese version)

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