
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

It is never too much to remember. The information to provide when you call SNS24 or 112

DGS recalled that information to give when you call the SNS 24 and the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM). Also learn when you should call each one.

It is never too much to remember. The information to provide when you call SNS24 or 112
Notícias ao Minuto

23:43 - 19/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Saúde

The Directorate-General for Health (DGS) recalled this Sunday the information to provide when calling SNS 24 and the National Institute for Medical Emergencies (INEM).

In a note published on the social network Facebook, the DGS said it is "essential to provide all the data requested by the technician on the other end of the line", since "the emergency response depends on the quality of the information".

If you need to call SNS (808 24 24 24), in case of "a non-emergency health problem", you must provide your National Health Service (SNS) user number, your name and date of birth.

"If you are not the one contacting, be with the user at the time of the call and have their identification data with you", indicated the DGS.

On its website, the DGS indicates that you should call SNS 24 when you feel "mild to moderate pain" or have "persistent cough, fever, nausea or food vomiting, diarrhea, changes in blood pressure (without other complaints)" and itching or skin changes". In the case of children, "persistent crying" is also a warning sign.

If you need to call 112, the number of the National Institute for Medical Emergencies (INEM), in a "serious or life-threatening" case, you should "describe the situation and the location where you are" and answer "all the questions that are asked".

"Serious or life-threatening" situations are considered to be "altered state of consciousness, suspected stroke (speech, face or strength changes), choking, difficulty breathing, accidents with injuries, chest pain, heavy or uncontrollable bleeding and severe burns or in sensitive areas".

According to the DGS, you can only hang up the call "when you receive instructions".

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