
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Azores Day celebrated with a solemn session at the headquarters of the regional parliament

The Day of the Azores is celebrated today in Horta, Faial Island, with a solemn session at the headquarters of the Regional Legislative Assembly, the awarding of decorations and a lunch where the traditional soups of the Holy Spirit are served.

Azores Day celebrated with a solemn session at the headquarters of the regional parliament
Notícias ao Minuto

06:29 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

País Açores

The solemn session commemorating the Day of the Autonomous Region of the Azores is scheduled for 10:00 am local time (11:00 am in Lisbon), at the headquarters of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores (ALRAA), and will feature speeches by the representatives of the parliamentary groups, the president of the Regional Government of the Azores (PSD/CDS-PP/PPM), José Manuel Bolieiro, and the leader of the ALRAA, Luís Garcia. During the ceremony, 31 Azorean honorary insignia will be awarded, which aim to distinguish citizens and entities that have distinguished themselves "for personal or institutional merits, civic acts, deeds or services rendered to the region". Two autonomous insignia of value, ten autonomous insignia of recognition, two of professional merit, three of industrial, commercial and agricultural merit, and 14 autonomous insignia of civic merit will be awarded. The autonomous insignia of value will be awarded to Ana Luísa Pereira Luís and Francisco Manuel Coelho Lopes Cabral, former presidents of the Azorean Legislative Assembly. Álvaro José Alves Manito, Ângelo Garcia, Francisco Cardoso Pereira de Oliveira, João Jacinto Faria Correia, José da Silva Pracana Martins (posthumous title), José Humberto Medeiros Chaves (posthumous title), Marcelo Côrrea Petrelli, Nino Moreira Serôdio, Victor Câmara (posthumous title) and Zuraida Maria Almeida Soares (posthumous title) will be awarded the autonomous insignia of recognition. According to the proposal approved in the Azorean parliament, the autonomous insignia of professional merit will be awarded to the doctor Gustavo Tato Aguiar Pelicano Borges and the nurse Tiago Alexandre dos Santos Lopes. The insignia of industrial, commercial and agricultural merit distinguishes Agostinho Coelho (posthumous title), José António Nunes Azevedo and António Aguiar. For civic merit, Olga Maria Lopes Machado Ávila de Sousa Pacheco, Raimundo Garcia Bulcão Duarte, Raquel Ferreira Alves da Silva Santos and João Guilherme Rego Arruda (posthumous title) will be awarded. The same distinction will also be awarded to the Association for the Promotion of the 25th of April Commemorations, the Corvo School Sports Club, the Lajense Sports Club, the Doze Ribeiras Folk Group, the Brotherhood of the Lord of the Steps of Ribeira Grande, the Ponta Delgada Judo Club, the Santa Cruz Sport Club, the Sociedade Filarmónica Recreio Musical Ribeirinhense, the Sociedade Filarmónica Recreio Serretense and the Sociedade Filarmónica União Faialense. At the end of the ceremony for the presentation of the autonomous insignia, the anthems of the Azores and Portugal will be performed by the Horta Choral Group. After the solemn session, the celebrations of the Day of the Azores Region will continue in the city of Horta with the traditional lunch of soups in Honor of the Divine Holy Spirit, at the Polivalente Pedro Miguel and at the Casa do Espírito Santo. On this day, in the afternoon, the headquarters building of the ALRAA will be open to the public for guided tours from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm local time, and the gardens of Cedars House and the Parliament Museum can also be visited on a free visit basis. The celebrations are a joint organization of the Legislative Assembly and the Regional Government of the Azores, following the institution of the Day of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, in 1980, to commemorate the Azorean identity and autonomy. The date, a regional holiday, is celebrated on the Monday of the Holy Spirit.
Read Also: Festas do Espírito Santo unem comunidades açorianas em torno da partilha (Portuguese version)

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