
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Woman in a coma after being beaten by her partner in Almada

Five children will have witnessed everything. Investigation is already in charge of the Judicial Police.

Woman in a coma after being beaten by her partner in Almada
Notícias ao Minuto

11:31 - 20/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Polícia Judiciária

A woman is in a coma at the Garcia de Orta Hospital after being brutally beaten by her partner in Almada in the early hours of Sunday. She is "in critical condition"

The victim was reportedly disfigured and suffered a fractured skull. According to Correio da Manhã, which reported the news, the assault took place in front of the woman's five minor children, one of whom is only 11 months old.

The Public Security Police (PSP) were called to the scene due to a domestic violence alert and ended up arresting the man in flagrante delicto. 

According to information provided by the Judicial Police to Notícias ao Minuto, this force has already examined the crime scene, "carried out preparatory inquiries" and is now waiting for the man, who is in the custody of the PSP, to be brought to court to "continue with the subsequent inquiries". 

According to information provided by the Garcia de Orta Hospital to Notícias ao Minuto, the patient who "was admitted on Sunday, a victim of assault, is hospitalized in critical condition in one of the Intensive Care Units of the Intensive Medicine Service of ULS-Almada Seixal". 

[News updated at 12:39 with information from the hospital]

Read Also: "Lynching"? CEPAC reaffirms assault case, but regrets "errors" (Portuguese version)

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