
  • 02 JULHO 2024
MIN 18º MÁX 31º

Homeless "Problem"? Moedas Asks for Hearings to Marcelo and Montenegro

The mayor of Lisbon requested meetings with the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister to jointly solve the problem of homeless people in the city, which has been increasing since the covid-19 pandemic.

Homeless "Problem"? Moedas Asks for Hearings to Marcelo and Montenegro
Notícias ao Minuto

11:18 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

País Lisboa

Speaking on the sidelines of the presentation of 25 new elements of the Municipal Police, Carlos Moedas told journalists that he had sent two letters to Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Luís Montenegro because he believes that the "effort to solve the problem cannot be only by the mayors".

"I launched a seven-year plan in Lisbon to really try to do as much as possible for people in a homeless situation, a plan of 70 million euros, but this cannot be only Lisbon, and that is why I called my colleagues from the Lisbon Metropolitan Area to look together [at the issue]", he began by explaining.

In the new plan for the city of Lisbon, he indicated, it is expected to double the thousand places in reception centers. However, in the understanding of the social democrat, these spaces "cannot be only in the municipality of Lisbon" and must also exist in other municipalities.

"But this effort cannot be only by the mayors", he insisted, recalling that the situation next to the Anjos church -- with several tents of immigrants concentrated -- cannot be solved only by the local authority, taking into account that many of the people who spend the night there "do not even have documentation".

According to Carlos Moedas, "there is a national problem", hence his request to the Government and the President of the Republic: "We all have to work together to solve the problem", he stressed.

Like the mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, the mayor of the capital believes that the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum - AIMA "is not working".

"It has to act, it has to be available, because people cannot wait years to be received", he said.

Moedas added that he has spoken with the Minister of the Presidency, Leitão Amaro, who assured him of "his support".

"The problem of people in a homeless situation is very serious. It started to increase after the covid-19 and in the post-pandemic period, it is a problem for the city. Some organizations, such as the Vida e Paz association, estimate at least 25% more meals than they distribute. It is a problem that has increased, we have also increased aid, but the chamber cannot be alone", he stressed, recalling that "half of the reception places" at national level are in Lisbon.

Carlos Moedas invited the presidents of the 18 municipalities of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) to a meeting on May 10, to discuss measures, move forward with a 'task-force' and create reception centers to integrate people in a homeless situation who exist in the metropolitan area.

However, only the presidents of the executives of Oeiras, Isaltino Morais (independent), and Cascais, Carlos Carreiras (PSD), attended and admitted to moving forward to the 'task force' with Lisbon. Barreiro (PS), Almada (PS) and Seixal (CDU) were represented by councilors or technicians who follow the problem.

Lisbon is the city most affected by the phenomenon and currently has about 3,000 people in a homeless situation, with 300 of them actually on the street.

Read Also: AM Lisbon evaluates plan for homeless people and the city council expects more support (Portuguese version)

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