
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Parents file complaint with GNR after physical punishments in Nespereira catechism

Children were put kneeling on their hands in catechism class on saturday.

Parents file complaint with GNR after physical punishments in Nespereira catechism
Notícias ao Minuto

12:45 - 20/05/24 por Marta Amorim

País Nespereira

Physical punishment in catechism class led to complaints to the National Republican Guard (GNR) and a protest at the church of Nespereira, in Guimarães, this Sunday morning.

According to what Notícias ao Minuto learned from a GNR source, six parents went to the Guimarães guard post on Saturday afternoon to file a complaint after the children reported having been "victims of physical punishment in catechism class that morning".

The news, reported by Jornal de Notícias, states that the children were made to kneel on their hands in catechism class on Saturday and the story inflamed tempers among the parents, who went to the church to confront Father Francisco Xavier.

The same source reports that the priest did not show up to celebrate Sunday mass and entrusted the mission to a colleague. Without the presence of the priest in charge, the group of parents spoke to the catechists and allegedly received threats.

Nespereira population in turmoil with new priest

The atmosphere in Nespereira is heated with the arrival of Father Francisco Xavier who, in addition to his mission in the church, took on duties in February at the social centre in that location. Since then, 22 people have already resigned from the centre. Three were nurses.

New priest leads to complaints and resignations at the Nespereira social centre

New priest leads to complaints and resignations at the Nespereira social centre

The nurses' union addressed the situation and requested an urgent meeting with the management of the social centre.

Marta Amorim | 11:29 - 18/05/2024

To the complaints motivated by a climate of intimidation and fear in the Continuing Care Unit, as well as by the priest's intention to close a pre-school room, the incident in catechism class is now added.

In a statement to which Notícias ao Minuto had access, the Portuguese nurses' union reacted to the controversy this Saturday, the 18th, and said it was following "with great concern the serious problems in the Nespereira social centre, which are jeopardising the care provided to residents and patients, and could jeopardise the professional ethics of the nurses".

For the union, the "outrages" have become countless, culminating in the "failure to comply with previously established agreements".

The SEP urgently requested a meeting with the management of the social centre "with a view to overcoming the problems previously identified".

Pedro Gonçalves, from the Regional Directorate of Minho, reiterates to Notícias ao Minuto that the meeting was requested on the 7th and that there has been no response to date. The official stresses that at this time it can be said that "the health of the users is at risk", and that if the management of the social centre does not agree to meet, they will proceed by other means.

Read Also: Woman in a coma after being beaten by her partner in Almada (Portuguese version)

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