
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Mayor of Maia and 5 other defendants tried for embezzlement

The current mayor of Maia, António Silva Tiago, his predecessor, Bragança Fernandes, and four other defendants will be tried for the crime of embezzlement, for "misappropriation of funds" from the municipalized water and sanitation services.

Mayor of Maia and 5 other defendants tried for embezzlement
Notícias ao Minuto

13:47 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

País Maia

In October 2021, the Public Ministry (MP) brought charges against the six defendants, alleging that the criminal offenses occurred between 2013 and 2018, a period during which five of those involved held positions on the Board of Directors of SMEAS - Municipal Electricity, Water and Sanitation Services of the Maia City Council, in the district of Porto, and, simultaneously, in the executive branch of the council.

Some of the defendants requested the opening of an investigation, but the Matosinhos Criminal Investigation Court ruled (decided to bring to trial) all the defendants in the exact terms of the MP's indictment, a judicial source told Lusa today.

According to the same source, there is still a deadline for possible appeals, and the trial will take place in the Central Criminal Court of Vila do Conde, relocated in Matosinhos.

A sixth defendant was a municipal employee and was appointed, at the time, as SMEAS's managing director.

The MP argues that the defendants, "acting in common accord, submitted for payment or requested the reimbursement of various amounts, under the endorsement" of the SMEAS Board of Directors, "supposedly referring to services obtained or purchases made in the interest and benefit of the Municipal Service, which was not true".

According to the indictment, among the reimbursements requested were amounts "referring to lunches and dinners, both on weekdays and weekends, and other personal expenses, which were expenses that were already covered by allowances or representation expenses from which they also benefited, duplicating the respective receipt".

The MP argues that, "as a consequence of the defendants' actions, the public treasury suffered an overall loss" of almost 53 thousand euros, money that corresponds "to the amount paid unduly by the local municipal company for the benefit of the defendants".

In the indictment, the MP requests that accessory sanctions of loss of office and prohibition from exercising a function be applied to the defendants, in the event of a conviction.

Contacted today by Lusa, the Maia municipality referred to the statement issued by the mayor when the MP's indictment was released, in October 2021.

On that occasion, António Silva Tiago, re-elected for a second term with an absolute majority by the PSD/CDS-PP coalition in the local elections of September 26, 2021, said he had nothing to fear.

"In view of the indictment received and having nothing to fear, all those targeted requested the corresponding opening of an investigation into the case with a view to fully clarifying the facts and contributing to the speed of justice", stressed the mayor, who is also the chairman of the SMEAS Board of Directors.

The mayor also said that he maintains his confidence in the councilors who make up his executive, some of whom are also defendants in this case.

"I maintain full confidence in all the members of my council team, a confidence that stems from the guarantee that any of those targeted who is convicted, regardless of what the law determines, will make their position available, because, not having committed any act with the intention of harming the municipal heritage, if this occurred, the legality of the facts must be restored", assured Silva Tiago.

Lusa also tried to contact Bragança Fernandes, former mayor and current president of the Maia Municipal Assembly, but he has not answered phone calls so far.

Read Also: Câmara da Maia projeta acessibilidades entre nova academia e Dragão (Portuguese version)

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