
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Breaches and negligence" by the State in relation to the Azores persist

The President of the Government of the Azores said today that the State continues to be "in breach of and negligent" in its obligations to the region, which "neither begin nor end" with the transfers of funds from the State Budget.

"Breaches and negligence" by the State in relation to the Azores persist
Notícias ao Minuto

13:53 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

País Açores

"I now affirm again, once more for the Azores, that the State's obligations to the Azoreans do not begin or end with the annual transfers of funds from the State Budget to the Regional Budget. They are only fulfilled if the State guarantees that all citizens are treated equally by the State, providing them with the same opportunities, regardless of their place of residence", said José Manuel Bolieiro.

The leader of the regional executive (PSD/CDS-PP/PPM) was speaking at the solemn session of the Day of the Azores, at the headquarters of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, in the city of Horta, Faial Island.

In his speech, he acknowledged as positive the signals given by the Minister of Youth and Modernization and by the Minister of Health during their recent visits to the region.

"The willingness of [the Republic] to support the recovery and renovation of the Hospital Divino Espírito Santo and the understanding that the Minister of Health has shown regarding the responsibilities of the National Health Service for the entire national territory are very relevant facts. However, it is timely to warn that there are still breaches and negligence by the State in relation to its obligations to the Azores and the Azoreans, which are severely penalizing us", he said.

The head of the Azorean government stated that "it is fair, in this short period of time, not to do so as a denunciation and criticism of the omission, but as a vigilant warning to the new Government of the Republic".

In his speech, he gave some examples, such as the payments that the State assumed within the framework of the reconstruction of the port of Flores, destroyed by Hurricane Lorenzo, which "have not yet been made in their due amount".

He also pointed out the processes related to the compensation due following the public service obligations for air transport of passengers and cargo, to the mobility subsidy and to the replacement of submarine fiber optic cables, which "must now be dealt with in a timely manner and at a pace that does not disrespect" rights and does not expose the region to "risks of isolation that would be unbearable".

The State must also comply with the University of the Azores "within a legal framework of fair and sufficient regular funding".

Bolieiro also insisted on the demand to the Government of the Republic for measures that allow Azorean agricultural producers to benefit from the same aid given to mainland producers, "to compensate them for the effects of the current crisis".

"I urge the Government of the Republic, in collaboration with the Regional Government, to study solutions that allow for a significant reduction in Social Security contributions for young farmers who carry out their activity in the territory of the region", he said.

The head of the Azorean executive also appealed to the Republic to resolve, "without further unbearable delays, the solution for the Ponta Delgada prison".

The commemorations that take place today in the city of Horta are a joint organization of the Legislative Assembly and the Azorean Regional Government, following the institution of the Day of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, in 1980, to commemorate the Azorean identity and autonomy.

The date, a regional holiday, is celebrated on the Monday of the Holy Spirit.

At the solemn session, 31 Azorean honorary insignia were awarded, which aim to distinguish citizens and entities that have distinguished themselves "for personal or institutional merits, civic acts, deeds or services rendered to the region".

Two autonomous insignia of value, ten autonomous insignia of recognition, two of professional merit, three of industrial, commercial and agricultural merit and 14 autonomous insignia of civic merit were awarded.

Read Also: Bolieiro promises structural work for Ponta Delgada to have a "new hospital" (Portuguese version)

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