
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Montenegro advocates "efficient use" of European funds

Prime Minister Luís Montenegro today defended in Coimbra a more efficient use of European funds, including the funds from the Recovery and Resilience Programme (RRP).

Montenegro advocates "efficient use" of European funds
Notícias ao Minuto

14:13 - 20/05/24 por Lusa

País Primeiro-ministro

"We must be even more rigorous and efficient in the use of these resources", said Luís Montenegro, speaking at the commemorative session of the 40th anniversary of the creation of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP) at the institution's headquarters in Coimbra.

The support to Portugal by the European Union (EU) "must be taken advantage of" according to "a judicious use", as an "instrument of the economy" to develop the country, create wealth and jobs, he recommended.

In this context, the Prime Minister disagreed with the idea that "it is necessary to spend" the funds made available by the European authorities just to "not lose the money".

"This perspective is not friendly to the future", he added, to defend that the Portuguese administration "has to respond more quickly" to the applications submitted and to the monitoring of the project execution processes.

For Luís Montenegro, it is necessary to "accelerate the payment and aid mechanisms".

Regarding the PRR, he regretted that, halfway through the process of this EU aid, only 20% of the funds made available have been executed.

The Prime Minister also said that the Government "will revisit" the Local Finance Law, in order to "give it greater predictability and greater confidence".

The relationship of the AD executive with the ANMP, the local authorities and society in general will be maintained "with loyalty" and without "shadow games".

"We are absolutely available for political dialogue", stressed Luís Montenegro, who guaranteed "a close treatment" with the ANMP.

Read Also: "Family health will be one of the axes of our emergency program" (Portuguese version)

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