
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

"Sensato". Marcelo 'pushes' debate on regionalization for after 2025

The Head of State, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, spoke about the release of European funds, as well as a possible debate on regionalization. Marcelo defended, however, that the focus should now be on European funds, whose release opens the door to "more".

"Sensato". Marcelo 'pushes' debate on regionalization for after 2025

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, defended this Monday that the issue of regionalization is something that may still be discussed in this legislature, stressing that the focus now is on European funds.

When confronted with the issue not being a priority for this Executive, given that the Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, has already made it clear, Marcelo stated: "I understood it this way: there is the PRR, which has to be an exception and in record time. There is Portugal 2030, also being implemented very quickly. That implies that it was worth having the State Budget approved for this year. But it also implies that the State Budget for next year can, at the right time, be considered and approved. That is a high priority".

The Head of State also added that the local elections also have their 'weight' in this 'push'. "In a year of local elections, to be overlapping a specific debate on regionalization with municipal elections - and a vote, because of the referendum... It seems sensible not to lose the priority and focus on European funds in 2024 and 2025. That does not mean that there cannot be a debate and possible consideration of regionalization during the current Government's legislature. But that is beyond my presidential term".

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa's statements were made in Coimbra, where the 40th anniversary of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP) is being celebrated. Speaking to journalists, Marcelo talked about the release of European funds.

"The tranche had been on hold for about five months because there were some points that needed to be filled in", he explained, adding that now "all the requirements for the last disbursement - which should have happened at the end of last year - have been met. It can now happen as quickly as possible". Marcelo stressed that for now it is a matter of 713 million euros, which "opens the prospect for progress towards other disbursements in the future".

Questioned about the controversy with the President of the Assembly of the Republic, José Aguiar-Branco, Marcelo reiterated that he "would not say anything". The journalists further insisted with the Head of State on whether considering Orientals slow could not be interpreted as a form of racism. "I will not comment", he said.

The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, was also present at the ANMP meeting, defending a more efficient use of European funds, including the funds from the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR).

Montenegro defende

Montenegro defends "efficient use" of European funds

The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, today in Coimbra defended a more efficient use of European funds, including the funds from the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR).

Lusa | 14:13 - 20/05/2024

"We have to be even more rigorous and efficient in using these resources", said the Head of Government. The support for Portugal from the European Union (EU) "should be used" according to "a careful use", as an "economic instrument" to develop the country, create wealth and jobs, he recommended.

[News updated at 3:47 pm]

Read Also: Municipalities propose a new and more efficient Local Finance Law (Portuguese version)

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