
  • 29 JUNHO 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 20º

Viseu City Council regrets the closure of pediatric emergencies at night

The president of the Viseu City Council, Fernando Ruas, today lamented the closure of the pediatric emergency services of the Viseu Dão Lafões Local Health Unit (ULSVDL) during the night and criticized the fact that the mayors were not informed.

Viseu City Council regrets the closure of pediatric emergencies at night
Notícias ao Minuto

11:49 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

País Fernando Ruas

"It is unacceptable that the board of directors (of ULSVDL) has not even taken the trouble to inform the councils that have jurisdiction over the same territory," the Social Democrat mayor told Lusa.

The ULSVDL administration, led by Nuno Duarte, announced late on Monday afternoon that the ULSVDL pediatric emergency services will be closed to the public every night between 8:00 pm and 9:00 am, starting on June 1.

"In order to maximize the availability of pediatricians during the summer, without impeding the legal right to enjoy vacations, it is important to limit the assistance activity of the Pediatric Emergency Room to daytime periods and to emergency situations at night," he justified in a statement.

Fernando Ruas told Lusa that as soon as he learned of the hospital administration's decision, he called the office of the Minister of Health, "who had no indication" of the plans.

"The office of the Minister is trying to find out from the board of directors and the executive committee why this is happening," said the Social Democrat mayor, who also chairs the Viseu Dão Lafões Intermunicipal Community.

"We strongly reject this decision, especially since no one has given an explanation for it," he stressed.

According to ULSVDL, the decision aims to "ensure availability for a continuous scale of support for the Internal Emergency Room and Delivery Block, thus avoiding further cascading care disruptions."

The Pediatric Emergency Room, which since March has been closed to the public at night between Thursday and Sunday "due to a shortage of human resources," has now seen the situation "worsen" with the departure of two doctors, he added.

Read Also: Viseu. Pediatric emergencies closed at night from June (Portuguese version)

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