
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

MP arquiva inquérito ao cerco do Capitólio durante protesto de polícias

The prosecutor of the Department of Investigation and Criminal Prosecution of Lisbon closed the investigation without carrying out any proceedings, due to lack of evidence to identify the authors of the protest.

MP arquiva inquérito ao cerco do Capitólio durante protesto de polícias

The Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) has closed the investigation opened to determine responsibilities in the demonstration by security forces that became known as the siege of the Capitol.

The news, which was reported by Público, was confirmed to Notícias ao Minuto by a source from the MP. 

The prosecutor from the Department of Investigation and Criminal Prosecution of Lisbon closed the investigation without carrying out any proceedings, due to lack of evidence to identify the authors of the protest.

"On site, it was not possible to determine who the promoters of such demonstration were. From merely reading the complaint report, it is clear that there is no evidence that allows for the identification of the authors of that event, and no promoter or protester was identified (...), which means that it is practically impossible to carry out investigation proceedings with a view to their identification", states the prosecutor.

It is worth recalling that the investigation was opened to determine responsibilities, after, in February, thousands of security force protesters surrounded the Capitol. The protest was only authorised at Terreiro do Paço, but the mass of protesters still headed to the Capitol, where the debate between Pedro Nuno Santos and Luís Montenegro was taking place.

Read Also: Man who brutally beat woman in Almada remanded in custody (Portuguese version)

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