
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Lisbon hosts meeting of non-traditional media

The first edition of the MediaCon non-traditional media meeting will be held in Lisbon, on June 28 and 29, to debate new ways of doing journalism, according to a press release issued today.

Lisbon hosts meeting of non-traditional media
Notícias ao Minuto

14:34 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

País MediaCon

"The universe of non-traditional media in Portugal has undergone great transformations in the last ten years", can be read in the same note, which points out "new voices, other ways of doing journalism, closer, less formal, innovation and challenges".

"With the objective of fostering the increasingly necessary debate about the future of journalism, sixteen Portuguese media outlets joined forces to organize MediaCon", can be read in the same note.

According to the information, this event will feature debates, talks and workshops aimed at the general public, for two days (28 and 29 June) at the Goethe-Institut in Lisbon, with free admission.

"The two major debates stand out from this programme, one on proximity journalism and the other on the sustainability of journalism, one of the pillars of democracy, which will feature the participation of guests from European journalism organizations, such as Brigitte Alfter (Arena for Journalism in Europe), Peter Matjasic (Investigate Europe) and Olaya Argüeso Pérez (CORRECTIV)", according to the same note.

Other topics of the meeting will be the "dilemmas of long investigations, accessibility (or lack thereof) in the media, challenges of sports journalism, or how journalism and art can intersect", it highlighted, and in the workshops "there will be learning opportunities about solutions journalism, media literacy or Artificial Intelligence".

MediaCon is organized by the editorial teams of Azul, AfroLink, Bantumen, Bola na Rede, Coimbra Coolectiva, Comunidade Cultura e Arte, Divergente, Fumaça, Gerador, LPP, Mensagem de Lisboa, Projecto Inocência, Rimas e Batidas, Shifter and ZeroZero, and by the team of the former Setenta e Quatro, with the support of the Goethe-Institut.

Read Also: Journalism is going through one of the most critical moments in its history, says ERC (Portuguese version)

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