
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

CGTP asks Montenegro for solutions. "More degrading living conditions"

The general secretary of CGTP, Tiago Oliveira, today presented the conclusions of the confederation's 15th Congress to the Prime Minister, requesting solutions to the concerns faced by workers in the face of rising living costs.

CGTP asks Montenegro for solutions. "More degrading living conditions"
Notícias ao Minuto

14:38 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

Economia CGTP

After the meeting with the Prime Minister, which served to present the conclusions of the 15th CGTP Congress, Tiago Oliveira presented several points for the defense of workers, such as the need to value salaries, combat precariousness, and respond to the objectives of young people.

According to the head of the union structure, young people "are confronted with increasingly degrading living conditions, increasingly difficult to have a stable life with a perspective for the future".

Another concern raised by the CGTP Secretary-General after the meeting with Luís Montenegro concerns working hours, which, in his opinion, are an obstacle to the family life of workers.

"Increasingly, in our daily lives, in our lives, we are confronted with the growing availability to respond to the specific objectives of companies and we forget what should be a greater conciliation between personal and family life, which is increasingly relegated to the background", lamented Tiago Oliveira, after the meeting at the Prime Minister's Official Residence in Lisbon.

The set of concerns presented also includes the defense of collective bargaining and negotiation and the concern with the state of public services and the sustainability of Social Security and the National Health Service (SNS) and public schools.

During the meeting, the leaders of the CGTP and the executive discussed the Government's program for the four years and, for the leader of the union structure, "the same concerns" remain.

"We left with this idea that what is there, in black and white, will be an increase in the difficulties of deregulating personal life, family life, with a perpetuation of policies that do not respond to the majority", he lamented.

Tiago Oliveira pointed out that Portugal should not be a country "that is known for its activity and productivity because" it practices "low wages".

The answer, however, was not found, he said, accusing the executive led by Luís Montenegro of wanting "a perpetuation of a low-wage policy".

"In our understanding, it is necessary to respond, in fact, to what are the needs of today, which is to have money to face the increase in the cost of living that we all feel and not wait four, six or eight years from now to be able to respond to these needs that already exist today", he stressed.

Regarding negotiations, the CGTP representative pointed out that workers "are tired of always giving up something".

"If the world jumps and advances, then it should also advance for the workers, because that is what is fundamental", he said, assuring that the objective is to be "always on the side of the workers, listening to their main concerns".

The meeting between Luís Montenegro and Tiago Oliveira was initially scheduled for May 13, having been postponed to today due to the unavailability of the Head of Government.

On Monday, the CGTP announced a week of struggle between June 20 and 27, in defense of better wages, reduced working hours, and the maintenance of rights.

The CGTP defends the increase of the national minimum wage to 1,000 euros this year, the establishment of 35 hours as the maximum weekly working limit, as well as salary increases of 15% with a minimum of 150 euros.

Read Also: CGTP announces week of struggle in June (and demands better wages) (Portuguese version)

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