
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

FNE and Government reach agreement on recovery of service time

In this way, teachers will receive 50% of the total service time in the first year and, in a period of two years and 10 months, the total frozen time will be recovered.

FNE and Government reach agreement on recovery of service time
Notícias ao Minuto

14:57 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

País Educação

The National Federation of Teachers' Unions (FNE) and the Government reached an agreement on the recovery of teachers' service time on Tuesday.

"It was delayed, but with good purpose. We reached an agreement on the possibility of recovering all of the frozen service time, 2,393 days, phased in 599 days on September 1, 2024, and 598 days in the following three moments, on July 1, 2025, July 1, 2026, and July 1, 2027", explained Pedro Barreiros, FNE's general secretary, in statements to the press.

The official added that, in this way, teachers will receive 50% of the total service time in the first year and, in a period of two years and 10 months, all of the frozen time will be recovered.

In addition, the FNE obtained "the guarantee that all teachers targeted by the freeze will be exempt from vacancies for access to the 5th and 7th steps", which will occur "on the date that the teachers meet the conditions".

"It was practically 20 years of struggle, in which the banner of not giving up was fulfilled, achieving all of our objectives with regard to the recovery of service time", he stressed.

The FNE was the first organization to be received by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation (MECI) on Tuesday. The negotiation round will continue during the afternoon, with the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof) fighting last, starting at 5:30 pm.

In any case, the negotiation process should be concluded today, after the guardianship and unions have presented several proposals and counterproposals.

It should be recalled that the Government's most recent proposal, presented a week ago, planned to return 50% of the six years, six months and 23 days of service time frozen during the 'Troika' in the first two years, but maintained the five-year period of the initial proposal.

The intention was to return 25% in the first two years, 20% in 2026 and 15% in 2027 and 2028.

[News updated at 3:20 pm]

Read Also: Service time. Government and teachers conclude negotiations today (Portuguese version)

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