
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

90-year-old found "disoriented" hitchhiking to Lagos

A witness contacted the authorities after noticing that the elderly man, who suffered from dementia, "was disoriented and unable to locate himself".

90-year-old found "disoriented" hitchhiking to Lagos
Notícias ao Minuto

15:58 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Algarve

A 90-year-old man was found “disoriented” on the public highway in Faro on Saturday morning, asking passing vehicles to take him to Lagos.

A witness who gave the man a lift from the Torraltinha area to Rua Infante Sagres in Lagos contacted the Public Security Police (PSP) after noticing that the elderly man, who suffered from dementia, “was disoriented and could not find his way”, although he did not show “any signs of injury”.

“The police officers verified that the elderly man was wearing a bracelet from the Estou Aqui Adultos programme and, through the associated serial number, they managed to contact his carer (his daughter), who went to the scene to collect her father”, reported the authorities on the Facebook social network.

The following day, a woman appeared at the Lagos Police Station “in the company of the same elderly man, who had already got lost on Saturday”.

“The witness found him on Rua da Santa Casa da Misericórdia, completely disoriented. He was unable to give his name or any details of his family”, added the PSP.

In this case, the officers verified that the man “was wearing a bracelet from the Estou Aqui Adultos programme and, through the bracelet's serial number, they managed to contact the carer (his daughter)”, who appeared at the scene after 10 minutes.

The PSP also pointed out that, since 2015, 15,045 bracelets have been issued, of which 4,801 are still active nationwide. Since the start of the programme, 73 people have been found using this tool.

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