
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Braga ULS reports discrimination in career transition

The Workers' Commission of the Hospital de Braga criticized today the alleged discrimination of some operational assistants who have not transitioned to the career of auxiliary health technician and alluded to the disparity of rules within the National Health Service.

Braga ULS reports discrimination in career transition
Notícias ao Minuto

17:26 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

País ULS de Braga

In a statement, that commission refers that it becomes a priority to standardize the rules in the different units of the National Health Service (NHS).

"Otherwise, such great disparities will be created that may lead professionals to a feeling of injustice and inequality, with a reflection in the provision of health care by this institution [Braga Local Health Unit]", reads the statement.

In response, the administration of the Braga Local Health Unit states that it is acting in "strict compliance with the functional content provided [in the law] for the auxiliary technician career", but stresses that the discontent of those who did not transfer to the new career seems "understandable".

The administration acknowledges that a feeling of differentiated treatment is at stake compared to other workers who, in another institution, and despite performing identical functions, were the target of a different decision by the top management body, being integrated into the auxiliary health technician career.

"Without questioning the content of the legal norms that will be applied in concrete terms, the board of directors of ULS Braga also considers that the legal systems and legislative innovation should be interpreted homogeneously in the context of the NHS, precisely to avoid situations or feelings of injustice among professionals", it adds.

Therefore, and even considering that its understanding is "duly supported" by the law, the administration of ULS requested clarifications from the Central Administration of the Health System, regarding the legitimacy and grounds invoked by the discontented professionals.

The Workers' Commission says that "it is clear that there are disparities between NHS entities" and asks why the LHU are not implementing the same procedures.

As an example, it points to the case of pharmacy professionals who were not integrated into the career.

"It is not understood why, since these professionals meet the requirement of performing functions that directly impact the provision of health care to the user", it states.

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