
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Lines for Taylor? ‘Shake it off.’ Here’s how to avoid the traffic

PSP will ensure parking reserves and says where traffic restrictions are expected. Stay tuned.

Lines for Taylor? ‘Shake it off.’ Here’s how to avoid the traffic
Notícias ao Minuto

17:44 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is about to arrive in Lisbon for two concerts, on May 24th and 25th, at Estádio da Luz. Therefore, the Public Security Police (PSP) has already warned of the traffic constraints in several arteries of the city and informed that parking reservations and withdrawals will occur.

The official time for opening the doors to the public is scheduled for 4:00 pm, however the PSP informs that it has already started its policing action, focusing on the inspection of parking and car traffic.

Therefore, the PSP will ensure parking reservations in the following arteries:

·        Avenida Hernani Lopes (direction Laranjeiras – Alto dos Moinhos) – until 8:00 am on May 26th;

·        Parking lot of 'EMEL', located under the viaduct of Avenida Lusíada, between Rua Galileu Galilei and Largo da Revista Militar – until 12:00 pm on May 26th.

·        Avenida Machado Santos (on both sides and in its entire length) – until 4:00 pm on May 26th;

·        Impasse à Rua João de Freitas Branco (near park 8 – Rotunda das Oliveiras) – until 4:00 pm on May 26th;

·        Praça Cosme Damião / Parking lot of 'EMEL' – until 12:00 am on May 26th;

Where are traffic constraints expected?

·        Avenida Machado Santos (in both directions) and arteries that flow into it - from 8:00 am on May 24th until 2:00 am on May 26th;

·        Avenida Eusébio da Silva Ferreira (access to Park -3 and to Avenida do Colégio Militar) – from 2:00 pm on May 24th until 2:00 am on May 25th and from 2:00 pm on May 25th until 2:00 am on May 26th;

·        Impasse à Rua João de Freitas Branco (near park 8 – Rotunda das Oliveiras) – until 4:00 pm on May 26th;

·        Praça Coste Damião (Parking lot of 'EMEL') – until 12:00 am on May 26th;

·        Avenida do Colégio Militar (between Rua Galileu Galilei and Avenida Condes de Carnide) – traffic cut before the end of each concert until the public has completely left.

The PSP also warns that the circulation of public transport "will be heavily constrained". Even so, the security force advises that you travel by public transport, in order to avoid taking vehicles "to the vicinity of the stadium".

In addition, you should travel "in advance, and you should allow for the time necessary to carry out the proper security procedures at the entrance to the stadium". 

In the case of using your own vehicles, "follow the instructions of the police and consequent parking in supervised and designated parks".

Avoid taking "suitcases and backpacks into the stadium". 

The PSP appeals "to people who go to the Stadium, to adopt responsible and appropriate behaviors and attitudes to a musical environment, of respect for all participants, avoiding the promotion and participation in conflicts and/or situations of alteration of public order".

Leia Também: '...Ready for it?' Eis o que (não) pode levar para a estreia de Swift cá (Portuguese version)

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