
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Electronic bracelet for suspect of stabbing man in Vila Real

The suspect of stabbing a man during an argument in the early hours of Sunday in Vila Real was placed under house arrest, with an electronic bracelet, after being detained and brought to court, the defense lawyer said today.

Electronic bracelet for suspect of stabbing man in Vila Real
Notícias ao Minuto

19:25 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

País Vila Real

Albano Cunha told reporters, after the 22-year-old defendant appeared for his first judicial interrogation at the Vila Real Court, that the defense will consider and analyze the measure of coercion applied to his client, who will be staying at home with an electronic bracelet.

However, in his opinion, this was "an understandable measure given the seriousness of the facts".

The defendant, who was arrested by the Vila Real Judicial Police (PJ), is "strongly suspected" of having committed an attempted murder crime.

According to the judiciary, the facts occurred in the early hours of Sunday, on a city artery, when the suspect, "for futile reasons, during an argument, armed himself with a bladed weapon and stabbed the body of the victim, a 23-year-old man".

The victim suffered injuries to the abdominal area and was treated at the Vila Real hospital.

"It was understood that, after all, the defendant's guilt will have another type of motivation (...) The defendant reported his version of the facts to the court, he reported that he was being brutally beaten and, therefore, as a consequence, what happened, happened", added Albano Cunha.

In July 2023, the PJ found the defendant inside a well on a farm in Vila Real, days after he had been reported missing.

When he was found, the man was conscious, but very dehydrated, and was taken to the hospital, where he received treatment.

At the time, the PJ said, in a statement, that the investigation proceedings carried out did not reveal any evidence of any crime related to the disappearance.

Read Also: "Futile reasons". Man arrested after stabbing another in Vila Real (Portuguese version)

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