
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Government asks for urgency in inquiry into the death of a patient at Viana hospital

The Ministry of Health asked today that the investigation opened by the Alto Minho Local Health Unit to ascertain the circumstances of the death of a patient at the Viana do Castelo hospital "proceed with the desirable urgency".

Government asks for urgency in inquiry into the death of a patient at Viana hospital
Notícias ao Minuto

19:31 - 21/05/24 por Lusa

País Governo

In a written response to a request for clarification sent today by Lusa, the Ministry of Health says it is "awaiting the conclusion of the aforementioned inquiry, reinforcing the need for it to proceed with the desirable urgency".

The Jornal de Notícias (JN) reported that a 57-year-old man died on Friday, about seven hours after being given a green wristband at triage.

To Lusa, the ULSAM reported today that it had opened an inquiry and expressed its condolences to the family.

"The Ministry of Health regrets this death and expresses its deepest condolences to the family", the note states.

The Ministry of Health also highlighted the decision of the ULSAM's board of directors to open "immediately an internal inquiry into this case, fulfilling its obligation to quickly and technically assess the situation of the death that occurred in this unit". 

According to the JN, and based on the testimony of a family member, "the man was admitted to the hospital last Friday, around 11:30 am, presenting symptoms such as chest pain and a numb arm".

In triage, the newspaper adds, "he was given a green wristband (for less urgent situations, which can wait for care within 120 minutes)".

The man "was not seen until around 3:30 pm, when he collapsed unconscious in the waiting room", the newspaper says, adding that the man "was rescued at that time, but around 7:00 pm the family was informed of his death".

The Lusa agency sent a written request for clarification to the General Inspectorate for Health Activities (IGAS) today and is awaiting a response.

Read Also: Viana hospital opens inquiry after man with green wristband dies (Portuguese version)

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