
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Fenprof "will not sign agreement" with the Ministry of Education

The union met with the Minister of Education, Fernando Alexandre.

Fenprof "will not sign agreement" with the Ministry of Education
Notícias ao Minuto

22:27 - 21/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto com Lusa

País Educação

The general secretary of the National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof), Mário Nogueira, announced that the union decided to reject the proposal for an agreement negotiated with the Ministry of Education, regarding the reinstatement of service time. Upon leaving the meeting with the minister in charge, Fernando Alexandre, this Tuesday, the leader of Fenprof revealed that he had informed him that the union "will not sign an agreement with this text".

"We will not sign it, not because we do not recognize that there are aspects here in which there was progress on the part of the Ministry of Education. However, there are aspects that do not allow us to sign this agreement and that, in fact, we do not even understand how anyone can sign it", continued Mário Nogueira, referring to the other union organizations in the sector - among them the National Federation of Teachers' Unions (FNE) - that signed an agreement with the ministry in charge this Tuesday.

For the general secretary of Fenprof, these unions, "by signing the agreement today", lost "the possibility of going further, which is to have a supplementary negotiation".

Mário Nogueira announced that a plenary session of the union organization he leads will be held, scheduled for Wednesday, at 9:30 p.m., in a "virtual" format. "We will decide, presenting what is here to our colleagues, whether or not we will request supplementary negotiation", he concluded.

Minister Fernando Alexandre received, this Tuesday, representatives from 12 unions in the Education sector, to debate the proposal for an agreement for the recovery of service time, praising the mutual efforts to come closer together.

"It is the fulfillment of a promise by this Government in a time that I think was very fast. In about a month, we managed, in an intense negotiation process in which there was an effort to come closer together on the part of the Government and the teachers' representatives", said Fernando Alexandre.

The minister was speaking to journalists at the end of the third negotiation meeting to define the terms for the recovery of the six years, six months and 23 days and before receiving Fenprof. The proposal presented this Tuesday by the ministry in charge - which provides for the recovery of service time at an annual average of 25% between 2024 and 2027 - was accepted by the National Federation of Education (FNE), FENEI, SIPE, FEPECI, SPLIU, SNPL, and SIPPEB.


Fenprof? "Many times, I have doubts that education is the concern"

The Minister of Education, Science and Innovation today highlighted the agreement reached with seven of the 12 union organizations representing teachers for the recovery of service time, praising the mutual efforts to come closer together.

Lusa | 21:12 - 05/21/2024

The Government had begun negotiations by proposing the accounting of service time at an annual average of 20%, and the most recent proposal, presented a week ago, provided for the return of 50% in the first two years, but maintained the five-year period initially proposed, with the accounting of 20% in 2026 and 15% in 2027 and 2028.

"It shows the Government's effort to come closer to the demands, to what are the concerns of the sector, but we also found, in many unions, this willingness to solve a problem that was very old and that brought great instability to our schools and that, until now, no Government had shown willingness to solve", highlighted the minister.

The measure will cover about 100,000 teachers and, starting in 2027, when the full six years, six months and 23 days have already been returned, it will have an annual cost to the State of 300 million euros, as the Executive had already estimated.

Despite the demands of the teachers, the Ministry maintained the position that the recovery of service time would only serve for the purpose of career advancement, with no compensation mechanisms planned for teachers who are already at the top of their career or who will retire in the meantime.

[News updated at 10:44 p.m.]

Read Also: Fenprof? "Many times, I have doubts that education is the concern" (Portuguese version)

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