
  • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 23º

Rosário Farmhouse leaves the National Commission for the Protection of Children

The president of the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People (CNPDPCJ), Rosário Farmhouse, announced today that she is leaving the position she has held for seven years.

Rosário Farmhouse leaves the National Commission for the Protection of Children
Notícias ao Minuto

18:00 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

País Rosário Farmhouse

During the annual meeting to assess the activity of the Child and Youth Protection Commissions (CPCJ), which began today in Covilhã and will last for three days, Rosário Farmhouse considered that she would be qualified to continue in the position.

"I would [be qualified to continue], I believe so, but after seven years, I think it is important to have a change", said the official, in statements to journalists.

According to Rosário Farmhouse, who was already in the presence of the Secretary of State for Social Action and Inclusion, Clara Marques Mendes, her departure is not related to the change in Government.

"It has nothing to do with government changes. It has to do with a decision of mine", she clarified.

The president of the CNPDPCJ warned that we should not "throw everything away" by changing the existing system and recommended that it be improved to provide a better response.

Rosário Farmhouse said that there has been an idea in the community that a new system needs to be created, because this one is ineffective, but she stressed that the Portuguese model is one of the most internationally recognised and that it is important to make it work to its full potential and only then make that assessment.

"We still don't know if it works, because we haven't yet put it into practice 100%. When it is in practice at 100%, if it doesn't work, we'll make a new one. Since it is not in practice at 100%, we have to fine-tune it, improve it, there is a lot to improve, but not throw everything away, because sometimes we undervalue what we have", stressed the president of the CNPDPCJ.

According to Rosário Farmhouse, other countries think the Portuguese system is "wonderful", but the Portuguese are "the only ones who think we need to find another solution".

The official admitted that "some commissions are deficient" in terms of human resources and stated that efforts are being made, involving several ministries, "so that the law can be complied with" and the allocation of resources will be more robust next year.

"In some areas of the State we do not have sufficient resources and there has been this difficulty", acknowledged Rosário Farmhouse, who alluded to the commissions "with a large volume".

The president of the body that oversees the CPCJs added that this has been a concern and that "it is one of the frustrations" with which she ends her term.

Read Also: BE wants to hear from the minister about alleged "cover-ups of situations of violence" (Portuguese version)

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