
  • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 17º MÁX 24º

Children at risk? "We have a more attentive community"

The increase in children and young people at risk reported by the protection commissions does not mean that there are more cases, but that the community is more aware of these situations, said today the president of the national commission.

Children at risk? "We have a more attentive community"
Notícias ao Minuto

18:51 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

País Rosário Farmhouse

The president of the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Protection of Children and Young People (CNPDPCJ), Rosário Farmhouse, considered that the growth of this number is one of the reflections of the work done by the structures that operate in this area, the awareness that has been raised and the tools that facilitate the reporting of cases.

"This does not necessarily mean that we have more children at risk, but that there is greater awareness, greater knowledge, a greater willingness for everyone to participate, for everyone to report what they consider to be dangerous situations and in which children are unprotected," Rosário Farmhouse stressed today.

The statements were made on the sidelines of the annual meeting to assess the activity of the Child and Youth Protection Commissions (CPCJ), which began today in Covilhã, and where the annual report was presented, which points to an increase in the number of cases reported, 84 thousand minors monitored and 47 thousand new cases in 2023.

"These data seem to confirm that we have a more attentive community, more committed to fighting indifference to what is happening to children around us," stressed the president of the body.

Rosário Farmhouse, who announced her departure from the presidency of the CNPDPCJ, a position she has held for seven years, stated that there is now a greater capacity to communicate what is happening, even by the children themselves, through tools that allow them to make the report by their own means.

The official gave the example of the helpline created for children or the online form "that allows anyone to do it from wherever they are".

"I don't know if there is more violence in the concrete, but there is more attention and more sensitivity. Let's hope that this is what is really increasing these numbers, because there are many efforts for this prevention," added Rosário Farmhouse.

After the security forces, the largest number of reports of danger comes through schools and the official stressed that there is this articulation with the CPCJs, in addition to emphasizing the training that has been carried out with teachers, non-teachers and with society in general.

"Generally, I believe that educational institutions are very attentive and are increasingly close," stressed the president of the CNPDPCJ, although she admits that there may be "specific situations of lack of knowledge by teachers or some principals who may not yet have understood how the system works".

In general, she emphasized, schools seek training to learn the signs and to be attentive to risk situations.

The Child and Youth Protection Commissions (CPCJ) monitored almost 80 thousand children in 2023, 6.7% more than in 2022, having received around 55 thousand reports of danger, most of them for neglect and domestic violence.

Read Also: Rosário Farmhouse's substitute announced "in due time" (Portuguese version)

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