
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"He Gave His Life for Others". MAI Mourns Sudden Death of Firefighter

The Minister of Internal Administration stressed that "Portugal must pay a heartfelt tribute" to firefighter Paulo Cardoso.

"He Gave His Life for Others". MAI Mourns Sudden Death of Firefighter
Notícias ao Minuto

19:37 - 22/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País MAI

The Minister of Internal Administration, Margarida Blasco, regretted, this Wednesday, the death of an operational firefighter from Palmela, last week, victim of a sudden illness, during physical fitness tests. The Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Paulo Simões Ribeiro, attended the funeral ceremonies, representing the minister, and presented his condolences to Paulo Cardoso's family.

"It was with deep regret that the Minister of Internal Administration learned of the news of the death of Paulo Alexandre da Cruz Cardoso, a 1st firefighter of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Palmela," reads a note released by the office of the Minister of Internal Administration.

The same note recalls that the death "occurred following an indisposition last Wednesday, May 15, in the morning," while the firefighter "was preparing to fulfill his honorable duty at the Sobreda Athletics Track, as part of his operational preparation".

"At this moment of great pain and mourning, and during the funeral ceremonies, this morning, the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, representing the Minister of Internal Administration, had the opportunity to reiterate heartfelt words of solidarity and the most sincere condolences to the family, to the friends and, in the person of Your Excellency, the Commander of the Palmela Volunteer Fire Brigade and to all those who make up the body of this fundamental institution of our Rule of Law", he added.

The minister also stressed that the death of Paulo Cardoso "is yet another national example of someone who, even though he was not on duty at the time of this fateful episode, gave his life for others and to whom Portugal owes a heartfelt tribute".

Read Also: Firefighter victim of "sudden illness". "He was taking physical fitness tests" (Portuguese version)

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