
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Humberto Delgado? Opposition rejects Moedas' motion

The Lisbon city executive today rejected a motion from the mayor, demanding compensation for the increase in flights at Humberto Delgado Airport, but approved motions from the PS, PCP and BE advocating a rapid move to Alcochete and measures against noise.

Humberto Delgado? Opposition rejects Moedas' motion
Notícias ao Minuto

20:20 - 22/05/24 por Lusa

País Aeroporto

In the vote on four motions regarding the announced increase in Lisbon airport capacity, the council members approved the PS proposal, subscribed by Inês Drummond, Pedro Anastácio and Pedro Cegonho, "Expansion of airport capacity in Lisbon, No!"

The motion, approved despite the votes against from the Novos Tempos coalition (PSD/CDS-PP/MPT/PPM/Aliança), expresses "firm and vehement opposition to the increase in airport capacity in an infrastructure that, embedded in the urban fabric of Lisbon, represents an anachronistic situation and practically unparalleled on a European scale", with negative impacts on the quality of life of those who live and work in the city.

The document advocates an extraordinary public council meeting, by the end of July, to discuss the effects of the increase in airport capacity, inviting environmental associations, residents and official entities.

It also advocates demanding that the concessionaire ANA "immediately comply with the provisions of the Noise Action Plan".

The demand to the Government that "any works intended to increase airport capacity at Humberto Delgado Airport be preceded by an Environmental Impact Study and an Environmental Impact Assessment" was also approved.

The motion also calls for "a study on the various impacts of the operation of Lisbon Airport, focusing on the various sources of pollution identified", including noise and emissions, "considering the impact of current traffic on public health, well-being and the environment" and requesting from ANA all "studies, projects and related documentation regarding works to be carried out at Humberto Delgado Airport".

The council members also want ANA and the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) to make available "the Noise Plan in force, with the respective opinions, as well as the inspection reports" of its execution control, and for the Government to send the "expansion plan and respective accessibility plan".

As well as a request to the APA for confirmation of the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment for the increase in airport capacity, a requirement, until the construction of the new airport, for "compliance with the legislation applicable to night flights, as well as their gradual reduction", and the start of "a broad and participatory discussion on the destination of the land to be released with the dismantling of Humberto Delgado Airport".

The PCP motion, "For the immediate construction of the new Lisbon Airport. For the closure of Portela", was subscribed by João Oliveira and Ana Jara.

The executive approved, with votes against from Novos Tempos, that the decision to build the new airport on the land of the current Alcochete Shooting Range "should be implemented as quickly as possible" and that "any increase in traffic at Humberto Delgado Airport should be categorically refused, as well as the expansion works that would make it viable".

The paragraph on "immediate suppression of night flights, as previously demanded by" Lisbon City Council had votes against from the PS, taking into account the reality of existing flights, but the proposal passed with the votes of the other parties.

The demand to the Government and ANA for the "immediate adoption of measures to minimize and compensate for the impacts caused by the operation of the airport until its definitive deactivation in the shortest possible time" was approved unanimously.

The motion also advocates that "it may be considered, in order to meet immediate needs, the full use of existing and operating infrastructures, such as Beja Airport, allowing the deactivation of Humberto Delgado Airport to be accelerated", and "to start, immediately, a broad process of public discussion on the future uses of the land" of the current infrastructure.

In the motion "For non-increase in movements per hour and for the phased closure of Humberto Delgado Airport", presented by council member Beatriz Gomes Dias (BE), with nine numbers, only three were approved, including urging the Government to "not increase the number of movements per hour at Humberto Delgado Airport", with votes against from Novos Tempos.

Also approved were the study of the "phased withdrawal of Lisbon Airport, in order to safeguard public health and the safety of people who live and work in Lisbon and neighboring municipalities" and the introduction of "compensatory measures for the areas surrounding the airport that fully cover the costs of soundproofing homes".

The motion "New airport -- For the demand for financial compensation and/or projects to minimize environmental impact", subscribed by Carlos Moedas (PSD) and council members Filipe Anacoreta Correia, Joana Almeida, Filipa Roseta and Joana Oliveira Costa, was rejected with votes against from the PS, PCP, BE, Cidadãos por Lisboa and Livre, who did not want to vote point by point.

In the document, to which Lusa had access, the social democrat proposed that the municipality request the Government "compensation, through the Environmental Fund, for the potential temporary increase in airport capacity".

Read Also: Moedas wants "compensation" for the increase in the capacity of Humberto Delgado (Portuguese version)

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