
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Are you a landowner? Don't forget to clean it (until May 31)

GNR reveals that it will "start the inspection phase on June 1st".

Are you a landowner? Don't forget to clean it (until May 31)
Notícias ao Minuto

10:45 - 23/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País GNR

The National Republican Guard (GNR) warned that the deadline for cleaning the land has been extended to May 31.

Despite the extension of the date for one month, "the owners are still required to clean the land "in a strip with a width of not less than 50 meters around the buildings or facilities located in rural or forest areas", as well as "to manage the combustible material", refers the GNR in a publication on the social network Facebook.

The authority also recalls that Portugal "has a huge risk of forest fires and that this risk requires a great effort from everyone in cleaning the land". Therefore, it is important that all landowners do their part.

Following the extension of the deadline for one more month, the GNR also reveals that it will "start the inspection phase on June 1". Therefore, if you have a piece of land, "do not risk having to pay fines" - which can reach 25,000 euros.

Read Also: National commander of ANEPC wants to maintain the trend of reducing fires (Portuguese version)

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