
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

GNR seizes over 100 packages of food products in São Miguel

A total of 112 packages of frozen food products were seized on the island of São Miguel, in the Azores, because they were being transported in an "irregular manner", the GNR revealed today.

GNR seizes over 100 packages of food products in São Miguel
Notícias ao Minuto

14:17 - 23/05/24 por Lusa

País GNR

According to the Azores Territorial Command of the GNR, the products were detected on Friday, after the military police approached a vehicle that was transporting various frozen products "destined for sale to the final consumer, without being properly refrigerated".

During the course of the proceedings carried out, after the health and hygiene inspection by the municipal veterinarian of the municipality of Lagoa, "it was certified that the food products were suitable for human consumption", so they were delivered to a social solidarity institution, the GNR said in a press release.

During the inspection action, the GNR identified a 51-year-old man, having drawn up a contravention report, due to the transport, storage and sale of foodstuffs "lacking requirements" and "without complying with the rules for safeguarding hygiene".

This infraction is, according to the GNR alert, considered "a serious economic contravention, punishable by a maximum fine of 3,000 euros".

The occurrence was reported to the Regional Inspection of Economic Activities.

In the note, the GNR also emphasizes that the rules of cleanliness and hygiene of foodstuffs are of "extreme importance to maintain and guarantee a high level of protection of human health and consumer interests" and to guarantee the quality of the product.

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