
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

"Maximum effort" or "lesser police"? Police and Government maintain stalemate

Government proposes a 180 euro increase in police officers' risk supplement, but the amount was not well received.

"Maximum effort" or "lesser police"? Police and Government maintain stalemate
Notícias ao Minuto

09:36 - 24/05/24 por Marta Amorim

País Polícias

On Thursday, the Government resumed negotiations with the police and although the prime minister, Luís Montenegro, expressed the Government's "maximum commitment" to improving the conditions of the security forces, including careers and salaries, the outcome was not positive. 

"[We promise] Maximum commitment to the possible improvement of working conditions, operational conditions, physical conditions themselves and also career and salary conditions," said the prime minister and, hours later, the guards said they considered themselves a "minor police force"

Speaking to journalists at the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI), where the Government received unions and associations for a new round of negotiations, the president of the Association of Guard Professionals (APG), César Nogueira commented on the statements made by Luís Montenegro. "We also want to resolve [the situation] and the prime minister knows this. We do not want to resolve it at any cost," he said. 

From the meeting, the third proposal made by the Government to the PSP unions emerged: an increase of 180 euros in the police risk supplement. 

That is, the Executive wants to change the supplement that already exists in the fixed part from 100 to 280 euros, an increase of 180 euros. Currently, the supplement for service and risk in the security forces includes a fixed component of 100 euros and a variable of 20% of the base salary.

However, and for the president of SINAPOL, it was "very clear" in the meeting that the objective of obtaining a supplement equal to that of the PJ will not be met. "The Minister of Internal Administration told us that this will never happen, because she does not have the capital, she does not have the financial means," he said. 

Furthermore, the Association of Guard Professionals (APG/GNR) also considered that the 180 euro increase proposed by the Government "is a very low value" and recalled that "the police and guards are saturated".  

Suplemento igual ao da PJ? Ministra afirmou que

Suplemento igual ao da PJ? Ministra afirmou que "nunca vai acontecer"

Para o presidente do SINAPOL, "ficou bem claro" na reunião de hoje que o objetivo não vai ser cumprido. "A senhora ministra da Administração Interna disse-nos que isso nunca vai acontecer, porque ela não tem capital, não tem meios financeiros", referiu. 

Notícias ao Minuto | 21:29 - 23/05/2024

Read Also: GNR associations dissatisfied with the 180€ increase proposed by the Government (Portuguese version)

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