
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Young people take to the streets in Covilhã on Saturday against xenophobia and racism

Thirty young people will liven up Saturday afternoon in the Jardim Público da Covilhã, with an initiative in which, through poetry, they intend to denounce xenophobia and racism and promote empathy and inclusion.

Young people take to the streets in Covilhã on Saturday against xenophobia and racism
Notícias ao Minuto

09:24 - 24/05/24 por Lusa

País Covilhã

The group, from various nationalities, between 18 and 28 years old, that is part of the Coolaboratório space, from the Coolabora social intervention cooperative, promotes, from 3:00 pm, the initiative "Poems between pieces", where poetry against discrimination will be read and offered to those passing by.

A 21-year-old student of Political Science at the Universidade da Beira Interior, Catarina Ramalhete, has several colleagues from other countries and has noticed how difficult it is to integrate into a new reality, because, "inevitably, they have already faced several prejudices that have made adaptation more challenging".

The "Poetry between pieces" project is a "lyrical and artistic approach, where the feelings, pains and experiences of those who are discriminated against and marginalized are expressed".

"Through poetry, we give voice to their stories and seek to awaken empathy in all who hear it", explained Catarina Ramalhete, in statements to the Lusa agency.

According to the student, the event also includes "Acorda", a solidarity clothesline for those who want to donate clothes they no longer use and thus help people who arrive for short periods without appropriate clothing for the season, giving a second life to those pieces that are no longer used and acting in an ecological way.

"It is not only an appeal for the donation of coats, blankets and other necessary utensils, but also an invitation for everyone to reflect on their role in building a more just and welcoming society", stressed Catarina Ramalhete, to Lusa.

The coordinator of Coolaboratório, Rosa Carreira, stressed that the initiative arises from the observation that xenophobia has become more present, but also in reaction to the attitude of more conservative people towards the arrival of immigrants.

"The stories of young people who have witnessed situations of discrimination abound and that is why it was decided to do something that takes the fight to the streets", explained Rosa Carreira.

According to the head of Coolabora, where the young activists meet, "the goal is to show that Covilhã is a city that welcomes cultural diversity".

"We want people to join us and come read poetry or talk about this topic, but we will also go to people who are passing by, offering them poems and the opportunity, through poetic texts, to reflect on their vision of interculturality", added the project coordinator.

According to Rosa Carreira, "there is hardly a week when something does not happen that shows how urgent it is to fight" and she mentioned that the last situation was the attitude of the president of the Assembly of the Republic, "who normalized xenophobia, by abstaining from intervening actively when, in the house of democracy, one of the most basic human rights is violated, with the offense to the Turkish people".

The "Poetry between pieces" takes place from 3:00 pm in the public garden of Covilhã, in the city center of the district of Castelo Branco.

Leia Também: Oficina automóvel "completamente destruída" por incêndio na Covilhã (Portuguese version)

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