
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Increase in Portuguese man o' war in the Azores and on the mainland

The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) today warned of the recent increase in Portuguese men-of-war in the coastal areas of the Azores and the mainland, and advised care and the reporting of sightings.

Increase in Portuguese man o' war in the Azores and on the mainland
Notícias ao Minuto

15:04 - 24/05/24 por Lusa


The number of sightings of the Portuguese man o' war (Physalia physalis) reported to the monitoring program of gelatinous organisms on the Portuguese coast (GelAvista), from IPMA, has been increasing over the last week, in the Azores and on the mainland, with cases from Espinho to Sines, specifies IPMA.

The Portuguese man o' war, a colony of organisms from the class of hydrozoans similar in appearance to a jellyfish, is the most dangerous gelatinous species that appears in Portugal, so IPMA asks that if people detect it in the sea or on the beach, they do not touch it and inform those nearby. Portuguese man o' wars can cause severe skin lesions, similar to burns, even after they are dead.

In case of accidental contact with a Portuguese man o' war, IPMA advises washing the affected area with seawater but without rubbing, removing any traces of tentacles and applying hot compresses or vinegar for 20 minutes. And consult a doctor.

To participate in the monitoring of gelatinous organisms in Portugal, simply send the sighting information through the GelAvista application or to

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