
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

"Determination". PUSP distances itself and condemns anti-Semitic hate speech

The Portuguese organization Plataforma Unitária de Solidariedade com a Palestina (PUSP) distanced itself and condemned today, in a statement, all and any hate speech, from homo and transphobia to racism, from Islamophobia to anti-Semitism.

"Determination". PUSP distances itself and condemns anti-Semitic hate speech
Notícias ao Minuto

12:18 - 25/05/24 por Lusa


In the statement, the organization, which promoted a demonstration in Lisbon on Wednesday as a protest against the celebrations of the 76th anniversary of the foundation of the State of Israel, recalls having "immense pride" for counting among the "comrades in struggle" a series of people of Jewish origin, some of them part of the collective 'Jews for Peace and Justice'. According to PUSP, later, in press releases, the Jewish Community of Lisbon and the Embassy of Israel in Portugal characterized the protest as anti-Semitic and violent. "We strongly reject both accusations", refutes PUSP, stressing that the rejection of Israeli policies and support for the rights of the Palestinian people "are not acts of anti-Semitism". In fact, the document adds, "anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism". Following the demonstration, PUSP also promoted a vigil, both of which took place in front of the São Jorge Cinema, in Lisbon. "In the same way that we revolt against Zionism -- a political movement that over the decades has done nothing more than steal Palestinian territories, displacing them from their homes and lands and/or assassinating hundreds of thousands of people, in a deadly occupation that has lasted almost 80 years --, we do it with equal strength, determination and pride against anti-Semitism", adds the document. PUSP also denounces the attack by the State of Israel on the Palestinian population, following 'October 7', after the offensive by the Islamist Hamas movement on Israeli soil, which caused about 1,200 deaths and in which more than 240 hostages were taken. "In the last seven and a half months alone, [Israel] has killed almost 36,000 Palestinians, including more than 15,000 children, leaving more than 80,000 seriously injured and around 10,000 missing (figures referring only to the Gaza Strip...). It would be laughable, if it were not so serious, that the representatives and supporters of that same State come to talk about intolerance and violence, referring to a unitary and peaceful protest", concludes the PUSP statement. Read Also: Movement urges Portugal to formally recognize the State of Palestine (Portuguese version)

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