
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Marcelo espera ouvir do Governo na 2.ª-feira estratégia para sem-abrigo

The President of the Republic said today that he expects to hear from the Government, on Monday, its strategy for the integration of homeless people, stating that they have been increasing and that municipal intervention is not enough.

Marcelo espera ouvir do Governo na 2.ª-feira estratégia para sem-abrigo
Notícias ao Minuto

22:53 - 25/05/24 por Lusa

País Presidente da República

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa spoke to journalists at the headquarters of the Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome, in Lisbon, where he left groceries that he had bought at a supermarket and joined the volunteers for a while in the screening of the products.

The Head of State appealed for participation in this weekend's food collection campaign, considering that this should be "a social cause for all Portuguese people" and that it constitutes "essential support" in the face of poverty and inequalities in the country.

Questioned about the problem of homeless people, he pointed out that he will receive the Minister of the Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, and the Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas, on Monday to discuss this issue.

"I will listen to the Government's strategy, how the Government intends to deal with the situation, since the situation that existed at the time the Government took office was that the strategy, that is, the political line defined in the past, was extended until the end of the year to give time to find a different, new strategy," he said.

The President of the Republic said that "there is new data, and the new data is that the number of homeless people has been increasing" and that "this weighs heavily".

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa added that to deal with this problem "Lisbon approved a municipal strategy in the Municipal Council and in the Municipal Assembly, but the municipal strategy only works if there is a national strategy".

"Therefore, on Monday, part of my afternoon, my day will be dedicated to the issue of homelessness," he stressed.

During the visit to the headquarters of the Banco Alimentar, the President of the Republic was accompanied by the president of the institution in Lisbon and at the national level, Isabel Jonet, who thanked him for his demonstration of solidarity and appealed for the participation of Portuguese people in this campaign and for volunteering.

"If you can give some of your time, volunteer at a supermarket or at the warehouse in your region," she said.

According to Isabel Jonet, by 6 pm today, more than 400 tons of food had been collected, to be distributed to 2,400 partner social solidarity institutions, which will make them reach "360 thousand people who depend on this support in basic products in order to have a dignified life".

Earlier, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa visited the Banco Alimentar de Setúbal, without the presence of the media.

[News updated at 11:58 pm]

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