
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Man around 50 years old dies run over in EN202 in Melgaço

A man died on Saturday after being run over on the National Road 202, in Alvaredo, Melgaço, a source from the Alto Minho Sub-Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command told Lusa.

Man around 50 years old dies run over in EN202 in Melgaço
Notícias ao Minuto

06:06 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

País Alvaredo

According to the Civil Protection, at 4:41 pm on Saturday, the alert was given for the run over of a man of about 50 years old, presumably by a light vehicle, and the victim's death was declared on the spot, forcing the cut of that national road.

The Melgaço firefighters rushed to the scene, with an ambulance, a rescue vehicle and a command vehicle, and the GNR with two patrols.

On the part of INEM, a medical vehicle from the Viana do Castelo hospital was present, but that source of the Civil Protection said that there was "no indication that a SIV vehicle", of Immediate Life Support, had gone.

In total, there were seven operational vehicles and 18 human resources on site. The use of a helicopter was considered, but it ended up not going to the scene, because the victim's death had been declared, he said.

Traffic on that national road returned to normal around 6:00 pm.

Regarding this accident, the Union of Pre-Hospital Emergency Technicians stated today that it coincides "with a long period of inoperability" of the INEM SIV ambulance, based in Melgaço, due to the lack of those specialized professionals.

In a statement, that union asks for explanations from the INEM's board of directors, alleging that there has already been another case "in which a citizen [ended up] not having timely access to differentiated emergency medical care because an ambulance [was] closed due to lack of pre-hospital emergency technicians".

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