
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Dozens of people marched in Porto for biodiversity

Dozens of people marched through several streets in downtown Porto today, carrying agricultural tools, posters and even a scarecrow, in a march organized by a group of environmental associations, in defense of biodiversity and to raise awareness about the harmful effects of pesticides.

Dozens of people marched in Porto for biodiversity
Notícias ao Minuto

18:03 - 26/05/24 por Lusa

País Porto

The protesters demand independent scientific tests on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), support for local producers, the labeling of all products containing GMOs, the exposure of the collusion between large companies and the government, and the promotion of biological solutions, among other demands.

"We are here for biodiversity, for food sovereignty, for our right to health and for the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced human environment", Vanessa Ferreira from the civic group BioPorto, which has been organizing this march since 2016, told Lusa.

Vanessa Ferreira defended that "we all have the duty to protect the environment, we are here for our land, for our water, for our air and for our seeds".

In her view and in the view of the participants in the march, "seeds cannot be patented, we cannot accept that they are genetically altered and registered as intellectual property".

"There is no need to alter seeds, as they did with golden rice or add folic acid to lettuce. Nature gives us what we need and, by the way, there is no need for us to have genetically modified organisms with synthesis to perform vaccine or hormonal functions. There is no need. Leave nature alone", she said.

João Valente also spoke to Lusa, representing some associations, namely Soalheira and the Association of Beekeepers of Northern Portugal, to which he belongs.

"Every year we hold a march at this time to alert society to this problem of the environment in general, but in this specific case to denounce Bayer/Monsanto, which is a multinational that produces several agrochemicals that are used in agriculture and that harm our health", he said.

This environmentalist also highlighted the case of the disappearance of bees and all insects, "because they are all pollinators".

"Of course, bees affect us more because they are the main pollinator, but the disappearance of bees is the same as saying that all pollinators are disappearing", he stressed.

João Valente stated that "there are already areas in the country where production is already lower than it was, due to lack of pollination".

The participants walked slowly through several arteries of downtown Porto, shouting slogans such as "Save the insects, save humanity", "Bees pollinate, pesticides kill", "No to patents, freedom for seeds" and "For your health, take action", among others.

The march ended at the Porto City Hall, where participants exchanged native seeds.

Read Also: Brussels opens proceedings against Portugal for failures in the protection of biodiversity (Portuguese version)

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