
  • 16 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 21º MÁX 36º

Social reintegration and reeducation technicians on strike

Social reintegration and re-education technicians from the Northern prisons started a strike period today for a career review and reinforcement of professionals, emphasizing that the "current situation jeopardizes the security" of the population.

Social reintegration and reeducation technicians on strike
Notícias ao Minuto

15:17 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

País Greve

In statements to Lusa, on the sidelines of a protest taking place at the gates of the Porto Prison, located in Leça do Balio, in the municipality of Matosinhos, the president of the Union of Technicians of the General Directorate of Reintegration and Prison Services, Miguel Gonçalves, explained that the strike period that begins today will last until June 12 and a new stoppage will begin shortly after. "This is an unacceptable situation. We have careers that have not been reviewed since they were created and we have colleagues who currently earn 1.48 euros above the national minimum wage, others can, at most, reach 1,600 euros at the top of their career and have no prospects for the future", he said. According to the unionist, with this afternoon's protest, these workers want to "draw attention to the revision of careers, which are stagnant". "The career of Senior Re-education Technicians has been stagnant since it was founded in 1991, that of Senior Social Reintegration Technicians has been stagnant since 2001, these are the colleagues who work in the electronic surveillance and social reintegration teams", he said. In addition to the revision of careers, Miguel Gonçalves identified another problem that is the "need for more professionals because the current situation compromises people's safety". The president of the unionist explained that "the services are in deficit", as is the case of "units that will close temporarily" and "electronic surveillance being transferred to other locations". As an example, he mentioned that "the electronic surveillance of Funchal will, in the future, be controlled by Porto", with "only an ocean separating them", which "is completely inefficient". The unionist questioned "how can a colleague in Porto control an aggressor in Funchal?". To the Government, that union asks that it "solve the problem", stating that the union and the supervisory authority will meet on June 19: "We hope that they will already have something concrete to present to us, that they will decide. We are special careers, that is what they told us, which is why we have waited until today, now we are seeing that they are placing colleagues from the general career to perform our functions". When asked if this will be the only form of struggle, Miguel Gonçalves has already announced another strike period "if the negotiation with the Government does not progress", a period that will begin on June 18. The strike day that began today will be observed on May 27, 28, 29 and 31 and on June 03, 04 and 05, 06, 07, 11 and 12 in the prisons of Santa Cruz do Bispo, female and male, in the Porto Prison, in the Prison of the Judicial Police of Porto and by the Porto Penal Team 6. Read Also: Fishery inspectors demand career recognition and threaten to strike (Portuguese version)

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