
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Santa Maria performs first double kidney transplant. Patient recovering

According to the hospital, this is an "intervention of great technical complexity".

Santa Maria performs first double kidney transplant. Patient recovering
Notícias ao Minuto

16:06 - 27/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Hospital de Santa Maria

Santa Maria Hospital, in Lisbon, carried out its first double kidney transplant on May 24. The surgery was a success, and the patient is recovering.

"This is the second historical milestone for transplantation in the Santa Maria Local Health Unit (ULSSM) in just one year, after in 2023 the teams of the then Lisbon North University Hospital Center carried out their first crossed kidney transplant", the unit highlighted, in a press release sent to newsrooms.

According to the hospital, this is an "intervention of great technical complexity", which is why the surgery was performed "by the highly specialized and experienced multidisciplinary team of the Santa Maria Transplant Unit, which in 35 years of activity has already performed close to 1,300 transplants on patients monitored by the ULSSM Nephrology and Transplant Service".

"Kidney transplantation is the renal function replacement technique that provides the longest survival and best quality of life to chronic kidney patients. Additionally, when compared to dialysis, it also entails lower financial costs for the health system", it clarified.

The unit also stressed that the lack of organs means that chronic kidney patients have to wait for a transplant on waiting lists. In order to combat this scenario, "in recent years the acceptance criteria for donors have been expanded and some Transplant Units have been implanting both of the donor's kidneys in the same recipient, the double kidney transplant".

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