
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

They Kidnapped and Attacked a Man to Recover Drugs. The Victim "Knew Nothing"

Despite the victim having assured "not knowing anything about the drug", two of the accused "hit her on the head with the butt of the pistols they were carrying".

They Kidnapped and Attacked a Man to Recover Drugs. The Victim "Knew Nothing"
Notícias ao Minuto

16:24 - 27/05/24 por Notícias ao Minuto

País Beja

Three defendants were charged with the crimes of kidnapping and aggravated coercion, after having kidnapped a man in the Aljustrel region to recover drugs that had disappeared. The victim, however, assured that he “knew nothing about the drugs”.

The case occurred at the beginning of the evening of February 5, 2022, and lasted until the following morning, according to the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP), in a statement.

“In summary, the defendants and a fourth individual, whose identity has not yet been possible to ascertain, went to the victim's house, located in the municipality of Aljustrel, with the intention of recovering a narcotic product that had disappeared,” he said.

Despite the man assuring that he “knew nothing about the drugs”, two of the defendants “hit him on the head with the butt of the pistols they were carrying”.

Then, they forced him into a car driven by the third defendant, taking him to an apartment in the Setúbal area. There, the victim was again assaulted “and suffered threats that amounted to death during the trip and inside the apartment”.

The investigation was led by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ourique, in the district of Beja, with the assistance of the Judicial Police.

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