
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Workers at Misericórdias demand pay rises missing since 2022

About 30 workers from the Union of Misericórdias and Santas Casas denounced today, in front of the Ministry of Labour, in Lisbon, the lack of salary increases since 2022, in a sector whose average salary does not exceed the minimum wage.

Workers at Misericórdias demand pay rises missing since 2022
Notícias ao Minuto

17:22 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

País Salários

In statements to journalists, the union leader of the Commerce, Offices, and Services Union of Portugal (CESP) explained that these workers are on strike today "because they demand from their employers" the proper salary updates.

This is the case of Isabel Santos, a worker at the Union of Portuguese Misericórdias (UMP), a nursing assistant for almost 19 years who continues to receive the national minimum wage.

"The situation we are in is that someone who is just starting out now or someone who has 20 years of service is earning the same," she complained.

According to Catarina Fachadas, in the case of the Union of Portuguese Misericórdias, there have been no salary increases since 2022, while in the Santas Casas, in addition to salary increases, a new wording of the Collective Labor Agreement (CCT) is missing.

"What the UMP wants is a new collective agreement that removes rights that workers already have, such as overtime pay," she accused, adding that the proper payment for holidays as an extra day is also at stake.

Catarina Fachadas stressed that the average salary of these workers is the value of the national minimum wage, which only changes after 25 years of service.

She questioned the reason why the UMP and the Santas Casas do not comply with the proper salary increases, when the Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS) have done so for the same type of work.

"We have managed to negotiate the annual salary increase, [while] in the Misericórdias they simply refuse to respond to the [negotiation] proposal," said the unionist, accusing the UMP of being "completely indifferent to these workers."

"A huge lack of respect," she criticized.

Still regarding the differences between institutions, she recalled that in 2023 there was a financial reinforcement paid by the State in the order of 145 million euros, which was not reflected in salary increases.

"Where does the money go? We don't know, but we want to see it clarified.

Catarina Fachadas explained that after the strike on April 26, the UMP made a negotiation proposal -- "which is only a proposal in name, because it is a disgrace" -- for salary increases of 5% on the value of the 2023 salary.

The union leader stressed that on January 1, 2024, the minimum wage increased to 820 euros gross per month, and that the UMP wants to negotiate on top of the previous 760 euros.

She added that the meetings scheduled for today with the UMP, in the context of conciliation, one to discuss the salary increases of the UMP workers and another on the collective labor agreement of the workers of the Santas Casas, were postponed at the request of the institution.

"What we are going to ask now is to be heard by the office of the Minister [of Labor, Solidarity, and Social Security] because this cannot continue like this," she said.

Catarina Fachadas assured that all forms of struggle are on the table, recalling that UMP workers have had two salary increases since 2002.

Célia Vareiro, a worker at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Póvoa de Varzim, recalled, on the other hand, that the social sector is very undervalued, despite being "a fundamental job," pointing out that it is a job "of psychological and physical violence."

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