
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Without agreement, prison guards warn of possible "hot summer"

Prison guards' unions have again rejected the Government's proposal for salary increases, equal to that presented to the police, in the amount of 180 euros, and warned of a possible "hot summer" with strikes in prisons.

Without agreement, prison guards warn of possible "hot summer"
Notícias ao Minuto

18:02 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

País Guardas prisionais

The Minister of Justice, Rita Alarcão Júdice, who today divided her time between the negotiation meeting with the prison guard unions and the Council of Ministers, presented the same proposal that came out of the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI) last week, which proposed an increase of 180 euros in the risk supplement, a value that the unions vehemently reject.

"Totally unacceptable. It is very far from what we expect the next proposal to be. A meeting is scheduled for June 4 at 5:30 pm, the Secretary of State told us that she would improve the proposal. We continue to wait. We flatly refused this 180 euros and we are waiting for the next one," Frederico Morais, leader of the National Union of the Prison Guard Corps (SNCGP), told reporters.

At the end of the meeting, which was also attended by the Deputy Secretaries of State for Justice and Public Administration, the leader said that the proposal "falls far short" of what the unions are demanding, which insist on a value of 15% of index 115 of the public administration, which is equivalent to 1,026 euros.

"Excluding the supplement that we have already earned, we are talking about a proposal of around 700 euros. The Minister of Justice and the Ministry of Finance will have to find a middle ground there," said Frederico Morais.

The alternative to the absence of an agreement is, he assured, a "hot summer", admitting the possibility of strikes that could "paralyze the prison system".

"We made a point of emphasizing to the Deputy Secretary of State for Justice and Public Administration that they should warn the Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister that we will probably have a very hot summer in the prisons. (...) We will use everything at our disposal to show the Government that prison guards exist and that they must be treated with dignity," he said.

Frederico Morais also denounced a water outage in the Vale de Judeus prison, in Alcoentre, where for two days inmates and prison guards have been without running water, and the situation is being minimized with external water supply from the fire department, with tanker trucks, to allow for hygiene and meal preparation, for example.

According to the leader of the SNCGP, there are about 500 inmates in the high-security prison that receives convicts with average sentences of 15 years.

The prison neighborhood, where the guards and their families live, is also being affected.

According to Frederico Morais, there are no estimates for resolving the outage, also because there are administrative requirements that delay the process, such as the need to obtain three budgets to award the repair, which the union leader says makes no sense in an urgent case.

In a response sent to Lusa, the Directorate-General for Reinsertion and Prison Services clarifies that "the outage affects the residential neighborhood and not the Vale de Judeus Prison", and it is expected that the situation will be resolved during Tuesday.

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