
  • 18 OCTOBER 2024
MIN 16º MÁX 22º

Portugal’s support for Kyiv falls short of most allies

Portugal's support to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion was below most of Kiev's allies in late February, according to an analysis by the Kiel Institute, in Germany, which checks each country's public transfers.

Portugal’s support for Kyiv falls short of most allies
Notícias ao Minuto

20:35 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

País Guerra na Ucrânia

In the institute's latest assessment, released in April, out of the 41 Ukrainian partners that used their allocations to provide military, financial and humanitarian aid since the start of the invasion by Moscow troops on 24 February 2022, Portugal ranked 32nd, with a total of approximately 75 million euros.
When data is assessed based on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Portugal ranked 33rd, with 0.032% of its economic value. This data could undergo a substantial change on Tuesday, when Portugal and Ukraine sign, on the occasion of the visit to Lisbon by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a cooperation agreement valid for a decade that will also systematise all the support promised by Lisbon in the last two years. The agreement includes humanitarian, financial, military and political assistance regarding the integration process into the European Union (EU), announced today by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Paulo Rangel, who did not specify the amounts involved. Of the total expenses included in the Kiel Institute survey on Portuguese support to Ukraine, military allocations represented the vast majority up until 29 February, with 73 million euros (25th place in the 'ranking', and 26th based on GDP), but still did not include the amount of one hundred million euros that the previous Government announced in March for the Czech initiative for the joint acquisition of munitions for the Kiev forces. The remaining amount refers to humanitarian aid (39th place, and 37th based on GDP), with no financial support recorded. With the latest update in April 2024, the Kiel Institute announced a change in the method for accounting aid to Ukraine, which until then was carried out based on the public commitments declared by each state, and started to be calculated based on the support effectively delivered, which helps to explain significant changes in relation to previous tables. The institute also releases a transparency table of the data available on aid to Ukraine, in which, on a scale of zero to five points, Portugal once again appeared at the bottom of the group of countries with 2.2 points. Up until 29 February, the list of Kiev's main partners was led by the European Union (EU) and European donors with 89.9 billion euros, above the 67 billion provided by the United States. But this data still did not include the package of 61 billion dollars (57 billion euros) that the US Congress approved last month for military and financial aid to Ukraine, after a long blockade by the radical right-wing representatives. "Overall, the two economic blocs represent over 95% of all military aid allocations to Ukraine", highlights the German institute, but at a bilateral level in relation to their respective wealth, the list was led by countries close to Ukraine and Russia, with the three Baltic states standing out, with Estonia leading the 'ranking', and also Denmark, Finland and Poland. Before Paulo Rangel's announcement today, the most expressive promise of support from Portugal to Ukraine dates back to 15 March, when the then Minister of Defence, Helena Carreiras, announced a contribution of 100 million euros for the purchase of large-calibre artillery munitions for Ukraine, in the joint acquisition programme led by the Czech Republic. According to data from the Ministry of Defence provided to Lusa at the end of December, Portugal has delivered to Ukraine, since the first quarter of 2022, M113 armoured personnel carriers (a total of 28) and their respective armament, in addition to three German Leopard 2A6 battle tanks. Armament (automatic rifles, various accessories, heavy machine guns), protective equipment (helmets, bulletproof vests, night vision goggles), communications equipment, medical and sanitary material, artillery munitions, unmanned aerial systems and generators for electricity production were also made available. Before the announcement of the contribution to the Czech initiative, the most recent support planned involved three M113 armoured personnel carriers and two M577s in the medical support and rescue version. Portugal also took on the reconstruction of School 25, in Zhytomyr, in central Ukraine, which was destroyed by a Russian air strike in the early days of the invasion, and also promised to respond to the request for curriculum support at pre-school and secondary levels and also to strengthen the school integration of Ukrainian students in Portugal, addressed by the Kiev authorities to the then Minister of Education. João Costa visited Ukraine on 5 and 6 February, when the country was preparing to mark the second anniversary of the Russian invasion, together with the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, João Gomes Cravinho, who did not make any new announcements of Portuguese support to Kiev, but reiterated Portugal's commitment to participating in the international coalition, led by Denmark and the Netherlands, to provide F-16 fighter jets, in the training component for pilots, mechanics and ground personnel. The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, met at that time with the then head of Portuguese diplomacy, awarding him for his support and that of the Government to Ukraine, and asked him for Portugal to also consider sending those fighter jets. Shortly after Gomes Cravinho left Kiev, the deputy chief of staff of the Ukrainian Presidency, Ihor Zhovkva, said, in an interview with Lusa, that he hoped that Portugal, after the legislative elections held on 10 March - which resulted in the victory of the Democratic Alliance replacing the socialist government - would increase its military support, which he classified as "quite modest". In the aftermath of the visit, the former Minister of Defence indicated that Portugal will this year provide training, on national territory, to military personnel from the Ukrainian Air Force, lasting four to six months, in the areas of air traffic control and maintenance of F-16 fighter jets, but did not commit to sending aircraft. In addition to direct support, Portugal has declared unconditional support for as long as necessary for Ukraine to re-establish its territorial integrity, joining the efforts of the Kiev authorities in the accession processes to the EU and NATO. Portugal also has one of its most expressive foreign communities in the Ukrainians, estimated at over 110 thousand citizens, which was reinforced after the war with 59,532 Temporary Protection titles for refugees, according to data from the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA), of which 1,566 requested its cancellation.
Read Also: Kyiv says France will send military instructors "soon" (Portuguese version)

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