
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

Madeira? "The election losers are focused on the contraption"

The prime minister accused today the losers of the various elections of being "more busy in gibbering with each other" than in being a constructive opposition and promised to keep the "Government's momentum" after the European elections.

Madeira? "The election losers are focused on the contraption"
Notícias ao Minuto

20:46 - 27/05/24 por Lusa

Política Aliança Democrática

At a rally in Évora, on the first day of the electoral campaign for the European elections, Luís Montenegro wanted to leave a message about the regional elections on Sunday in Madeira, in which the PSD won with a relative majority, but generalized the criticism of the losers of the various recent elections.

"As long as we win elections, we will govern: we the winners of the elections are focused on governing, the losers of the elections are focused on bickering", he criticized.

Luís Montenegro accused those who lost the elections of maintaining "an attitude of haughtiness and arrogance".

"While those who won are governing, as they should, those who lost, instead of forming a constructive opposition, are determined to bicker with each other. Sometimes even with their own mirror: mirror, mirror on the wall, who can bicker better than me", he joked.

The Prime Minister also took stock of the first 40 days of governance and assured that "this dynamic is here to stay" and is not related to the proximity of the European elections on June 9.

"If anyone thinks that we are so dynamic because there are elections on the 9th, think again: on the 10th, on the 11th, we will be with the same dynamic, the same will to transform", he assured.

As an example, he announced that the Government will present the emergency program for health this week, a commitment that was assumed for the first 60 days of governance.

Montenegro took advantage of his first participation in the European campaign to praise the qualities of the AD's top candidate for the European elections, Sebastião Bugalho.

"I never had any doubts, but the choice of the top candidate is today more than assumed by everyone: he is prepared, competent, but also empathetic", he praised, saying that Sebastião Bugalho "identifies with the cycle" that the AD wanted to bring to politics, of attracting people who are not party members to political parties.

Even so, the leader of the PSD left a kind of invitation to Sebastião Bugalho: "He is independent, so we will see for how long".

"I do not mean by this that within the PSD, CDS-PP or PPM there are not very good political cadres, but we have to open up", he said.

The Prime Minister also took the opportunity to make an appeal to vote in the European elections, recalling that, on the 9th, one can vote at any polling station in the country or in advance, as early as next Sunday, as he himself will do.

"Vote, participate, these elections are important, what is decided in the European elections is increasingly relevant to our daily lives", he appealed.

On the eve of receiving the President of Ukraine in Portugal, Montenegro did not refer directly to this meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, but to the significance of this country's defense against Russian aggression.

"The war in Ukraine means the defense of people, human rights, political rights, respect for international law, it is also a way of safeguarding democracy", he pointed out, assuring that the Government he leads -- as he recognized, the previous PS executive -- will maintain respect for these values of freedom.

Read Also: Montenegro confident in the 5th consecutive electoral victory. "We are fighting" (Portuguese version)

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