
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PSP and GNR platform with new proposal on mission supplement

The platform of the PSP unions and GNR associations announced today that it will send a counterproposal to the Government on the increase in the mission supplement, to be discussed at the meeting scheduled for June 3.

PSP and GNR platform with new proposal on mission supplement
Notícias ao Minuto

06:29 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

País Polícias

In a meeting that took place on Monday night, this platform decided to continue in the negotiation process with the Government, considering it to be "the responsible, constructive and serious path of those who effectively expect an improvement in the police condition supplement and dignity".

"The platform also decided to present a counterproposal to the Government's latest proposal, recalling that it includes maintaining the 20% of the base salary of each holder and the addition of 180 euros to the risk component to the existing 100 euros, for a total of 280 euros for all", highlighted this organization, in a statement.

The platform stated that it intends to continue defending its initial proposal "demonstrating openness to achieve this objective, by increasing, at this time, by another 120 euros the government's latest proposal, with a new increase of 300 euros in 2025".

The PSP unions and GNR associations also expressed "willingness for other possibilities, which can be implemented with creativity and will, as long as they are aimed at achieving and implementing it".

The statement emphasizes that recourse to protests is not ruled out, ensuring that "everything will be invested in this negotiation purpose".

Last Thursday, the Government presented a new proposal to the PSP unions, which involves changing the supplement that already exists in the fixed part from 100 to about 280 euros, that is, an increase of 180 euros, maintaining the variable part of 20% of the base salary.

Currently, the supplement for service and risk in the security forces includes a fixed component of 100 euros and a variable component of 20% of the base salary. A new meeting is scheduled for the 3rd between the Ministry of Internal Administration and the PSP and GNR unions and associations.

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