
  • 08 SEPTEMBER 2024
MIN 15º MÁX 26º

PSP detains pro-Palestine protesters who occupied NOVA Medical School

The demonstrators who occupied the NOVA Medical School in Lisbon on Monday were detained by the PSP, the movement that demands the ceasefire in Gaza and the end of fossil fuels in Portugal by 2030 said today.

PSP detains pro-Palestine protesters who occupied NOVA Medical School
Notícias ao Minuto

02:14 - 28/05/24 por Lusa

País Manifestação

Catarina Bio, an advisor to the student movement 'End Genocide, End Fossil Fuels', told Lusa news agency that the protest at that faculty had been demobilized, but that the demonstrators would hold a vigil at the PSP police station where the five detained students had been taken.

After the activists inside the faculty were detained, the demonstrators who were at the door blocked the two entrances to the building, to prevent the passage of PSP vans, according to the same source.

Catarina Bio also said that the police opened a way on one side of the road and denounced assaults with batons and the removal of a mobile phone from a demonstrator who was capturing images.

The Lisbon Metropolitan PSP Command (Comtelis) confirmed to Lusa, at 01:00, the detention of activists at the faculty, without specifying how many or how the operation took place, referring information to later.

On Monday, the movement had released a statement announcing the occupation of the faculty by students from NOVA Medical School, in a protest that also included students from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (FCSH), also from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, which was the target of an occupation in the last two weeks.

"Throughout the day, police prevented demonstrators from entering the faculty entrances. Some of the students managed to enter and barricaded themselves in a room, while several others supported them outside", explained this movement, in the statement.

Images released on a channel on this movement's Telegram social network showed demonstrators barricaded in a room and displaying Palestinian flags and banners on a balcony.

Later, on the same channel, a video was released showing demonstrators on the ground blocking the passage of a PSP vehicle.

Also according to the statement, the demonstrators demand from the faculty, in relation to the war in the Gaza Strip, the "disclosure and transparency about all agreements between this institution and institutions of the "State of Israel, as well as the interruption of all ongoing partnerships", they emphasize in the statement.

The demonstrators also warn of "the warnings from doctors and scientists, about the increase in the frequency and severity of climate disasters and their impact on public health".

This movement also appealed, in the statement, for participation, on June 8, in a demonstration starting at Príncipe Real, which, in the "context of the European elections taking place at that time, will also seek to demand the end of the genocide in Palestine and the End of Fossil Fuels in Portugal by 2030".

Leia Também: Estudantes da NOVA Medical School ocupam faculdade. As imagens (Portuguese version)

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